signal callback delegate or function to connect
gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider callback(double x, double y, gtk.drag_source.DragSource dragSource)
x the X coordinate of the drag starting point (optional)
y the Y coordinate of the drag starting point (optional)
dragSource the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Returns a gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to Prepare signal.
Emitted when a drag is about to be initiated.
It returns the gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider to use for the drag that is about to start. The default handler for this signal returns the value of the gtk.drag_source.DragSource.Gdk.ContentProvider property, so if you set up that property ahead of time, you don't need to connect to this signal.