Creates a new gtk.center_layout.CenterLayout.
Returns the baseline position of the layout.
Returns the center widget of the layout.
Returns the end widget of the layout.
Gets the current orienration of the layout manager.
Gets whether self shrinks the center widget after other children.
Returns the start widget of the layout.
Sets the new baseline position of self
Sets the new center widget of self.
Sets the new end widget of self.
Sets the orientation of self.
Sets whether to shrink the center widget after other children.
Sets the new start widget of self.
Assigns the given width, height, and baseline to a widget, and computes the position and sizes of the children of the widget using the layout management policy of manager.
Retrieves a gtk.layout_child.LayoutChild instance for the gtk.layout_manager.LayoutManager, creating one if necessary.
Retrieves the request mode of manager.
Retrieves the gtk.widget.Widget using the given gtk.layout_manager.LayoutManager.
Queues a resize on the gtk.widget.Widget using manager, if any.
Measures the size of the widget using manager, for the given orientation and size.
gtk.center_layout.CenterLayout is a layout manager that manages up to three children.
The start widget is allocated at the start of the layout (left in left-to-right locales and right in right-to-left ones), and the end widget at the end.
The center widget is centered regarding the full width of the layout's.