signal callback delegate or function to connect
void callback(gtk.cell_editable.CellEditable cellEditable)
cellEditable the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to RemoveWidget signal.
This signal is meant to indicate that the cell is finished editing, and the cell_editable widget is being removed and may subsequently be destroyed.
Implementations of gtk.cell_editable.CellEditable are responsible for emitting this signal when they are done editing. It must be emitted after the GtkCellEditable::editing-done signal, to give the cell renderer a chance to update the cell's value before the widget is removed.
gtk.cell_editable.CellEditable.removeWidget is a convenience method for emitting GtkCellEditable::remove-widget.