signal callback delegate or function to connect
void callback(gtk.cell_renderer.CellRenderer renderer, gtk.cell_editable.CellEditable editable, gdk.rectangle.Rectangle area, string path, gtk.cell_area.CellArea cellArea)
renderer the gtk.cell_renderer.CellRenderer that started the edited (optional)
editable the gtk.cell_editable.CellEditable widget to add (optional)
area the gtk.widget.Widget relative gtk.types.Rectangle coordinates where editable should be added (optional)
path the gtk.tree_path.TreePath string this edit was initiated for (optional)
cellArea the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to AddEditable signal.
Indicates that editing has started on renderer and that editable should be added to the owning cell-layouting widget at cell_area.