Gets the data used as the gtk.builder.Builder UI template for constructing listitems.
If the data references a resource, gets the path of that resource.
Gets the scope used when constructing listitems.
Creates a new gtk.builder_list_item_factory.BuilderListItemFactory that instantiates widgets using bytes as the data to pass to gtk.builder.Builder.
Creates a new gtk.builder_list_item_factory.BuilderListItemFactory that instantiates widgets using data read from the given resource_path to pass to gtk.builder.Builder.
<interface> <template class="GtkListItem"> <property name="child"> <object class="GtkLabel"> <property name="xalign">0</property> <binding name="label"> <lookup name="name" type="SettingsKey"> <lookup name="item">GtkListItem</lookup> </lookup> </binding> </object> </property> </template> </interface>
gtk.builder_list_item_factory.BuilderListItemFactory is a gtk.list_item_factory.ListItemFactory that creates widgets by instantiating gtk.builder.Builder UI templates.
The templates must be extending gtk.list_item.ListItem, and typically use gtk.expression.Expressions to obtain data from the items in the model.