
Connect to QueryEnd signal.

Emitted when the session manager is about to end the session.

This signal is only emitted if propertyGtk.Application:register-session is TRUE. Applications can connect to this signal and call gtk.application.Application.inhibit with gtk.types.ApplicationInhibitFlags.Logout to delay the end of the session until state has been saved.

class Application
Flag!"After" after = No.After
if (
isCallable!T &&
is(ReturnType!T == void)
Parameters!T.length < 1 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[0] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[0] : gtk.application.Application)
Parameters!T.length < 2


callback T

signal callback delegate or function to connect

void callback(gtk.application.Application application)

application the instance the signal is connected to (optional)

after Flag!"After"

Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)

Return Value

Type: ulong

Signal ID