Sets the translator credits string which is displayed in
the credits page.
The intended use for this string is to display the translator
of the language which is currently used in the user interface.
Using gettext(), a simple way to achieve that is to mark the
string for translation:
It is a good idea to use the customary msgid “translator-credits”
for this purpose, since translators will already know the purpose of
that msgid, and since gtk.about_dialog.AboutDialog will detect if “translator-credits”
is untranslated and omit translator credits.
Sets the translator credits string which is displayed in the credits page.
The intended use for this string is to display the translator of the language which is currently used in the user interface. Using gettext(), a simple way to achieve that is to mark the string for translation:
GtkWidget *about = gtk_about_dialog_new (); gtk_about_dialog_set_translator_credits (GTK_ABOUT_DIALOG (about), _("translator-credits"));
It is a good idea to use the customary msgid “translator-credits” for this purpose, since translators will already know the purpose of that msgid, and since gtk.about_dialog.AboutDialog will detect if “translator-credits” is untranslated and omit translator credits.