
Proxy object for GstVideo.VideoOverlay interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding

class VideoOverlayIfaceProxy : IfaceProxy , VideoOverlay {}

Mixed In Members

From mixin VideoOverlayT!()

void expose()

Tell an overlay that it has been exposed. This will redraw the current frame in the drawable even if the pipeline is PAUSED.

void gotWindowHandle(size_t handle)

This will post a "have-window-handle" element message on the bus.

void handleEvents(bool handleEvents)

Tell an overlay that it should handle events from the window system. These events are forwarded upstream as navigation events. In some window system, events are not propagated in the window hierarchy if a client is listening for them. This method allows you to disable events handling completely from the #GstVideoOverlay.

void prepareWindowHandle()

This will post a "prepare-window-handle" element message on the bus to give applications an opportunity to call gstvideo.video_overlay.VideoOverlay.setWindowHandle before a plugin creates its own window.

bool setRenderRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)

Configure a subregion as a video target within the window set by gstvideo.video_overlay.VideoOverlay.setWindowHandle. If this is not used or not supported the video will fill the area of the window set as the overlay to 100%. By specifying the rectangle, the video can be overlayed to a specific region of that window only. After setting the new rectangle one should call gstvideo.video_overlay.VideoOverlay.expose to force a redraw. To unset the region pass -1 for the width and height parameters.

void setWindowHandle(size_t handle)

This will call the video overlay's set_window_handle method. You should use this method to tell to an overlay to display video output to a specific window (e.g. an XWindow on X11). Passing 0 as the handle will tell the overlay to stop using that window and create an internal one.

Inherited Members

From VideoOverlay

bool setProperty(gobject.object.ObjectG object, int lastPropId, uint propertyId, gobject.value.Value value)

This helper shall be used by classes implementing the #GstVideoOverlay interface that want the render rectangle to be controllable using properties. This helper will parse and set the render rectangle calling gstvideo.video_overlay.VideoOverlay.setRenderRectangle.

void expose()

Tell an overlay that it has been exposed. This will redraw the current frame in the drawable even if the pipeline is PAUSED.

void gotWindowHandle(size_t handle)

This will post a "have-window-handle" element message on the bus.

void handleEvents(bool handleEvents)

Tell an overlay that it should handle events from the window system. These events are forwarded upstream as navigation events. In some window system, events are not propagated in the window hierarchy if a client is listening for them. This method allows you to disable events handling completely from the #GstVideoOverlay.

void prepareWindowHandle()

This will post a "prepare-window-handle" element message on the bus to give applications an opportunity to call gstvideo.video_overlay.VideoOverlay.setWindowHandle before a plugin creates its own window.

bool setRenderRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)

Configure a subregion as a video target within the window set by gstvideo.video_overlay.VideoOverlay.setWindowHandle. If this is not used or not supported the video will fill the area of the window set as the overlay to 100%. By specifying the rectangle, the video can be overlayed to a specific region of that window only. After setting the new rectangle one should call gstvideo.video_overlay.VideoOverlay.expose to force a redraw. To unset the region pass -1 for the width and height parameters.

void setWindowHandle(size_t handle)

This will call the video overlay's set_window_handle method. You should use this method to tell to an overlay to display video output to a specific window (e.g. an XWindow on X11). Passing 0 as the handle will tell the overlay to stop using that window and create an internal one.