Allocate a new #GstVideoInfoDmaDrm that is also initialized with gstvideo.video_info_dma_drm.VideoInfoDmaDrm.init_.
Convert the values of drm_info into a #GstCaps. Please note that the caps returned will be a dma drm caps which sets format field to DMA_DRM, and contains a new drm-format field. The value of drm-format field is composed of a drm fourcc and a modifier, such as NV12:0x0100000000000002.
Convert the #GstVideoInfoDmaDrm into a traditional #GstVideoInfo with recognized video format. For DMA kind memory, the non linear DMA format should be recognized as #GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_DMA_DRM. This helper function sets info's video format into the default value according to drm_info's drm_fourcc field.
Parse caps and update info. Please note that the caps should be a dma drm caps. The can be used to verify it before calling this function.
Fills drm_info if info's format has a valid drm format and modifier is also valid
Initialize drm_info with default values.
Parse caps to generate a #GstVideoInfoDmaDrm. Please note that the caps should be a dma drm caps. The can be used to verify it before calling this function.
Pointer to the C boxed value
Get the GType of this boxed type.
Boxed GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Make a copy of the wrapped C boxed data.
Copy a C boxed value using g_boxed_copy.
Free a C boxed value using g_boxed_free.
Information describing a DMABuf image properties. It wraps #GstVideoInfo and adds DRM information such as drm-fourcc and drm-modifier, required for negotiation and mapping.