
Retrieve the details of a #GstNavigation touch-down or touch-motion event. Determine which type the event is using gstvideo.navigation.Navigation.eventGetType to retrieve the #GstNavigationEventType.

interface Navigation
out uint identifier
out double x
out double y
out double pressure


event gst.event.Event

A #GstEvent to inspect.

identifier uint

Pointer to a guint that will receive the identifier unique to this touch point.

x double

Pointer to a gdouble that will receive the x coordinate of the touch event.

y double

Pointer to a gdouble that will receive the y coordinate of the touch event.

pressure double

Pointer to a gdouble that will receive the force of the touch event, in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. If pressure data is not available, NaN will be set instead.

Return Value

Type: bool

TRUE if all details could be extracted, otherwise FALSE.