- ancillaryMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType ancillaryMetaApiGetType()
- bufferAddAncillaryMeta
gstvideo.ancillary_meta.AncillaryMeta bufferAddAncillaryMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer)
Adds a new #GstAncillaryMeta to the buffer. The caller is responsible for setting the appropriate
- bufferAddVideoAfdMeta
gstvideo.video_afdmeta.VideoAFDMeta bufferAddVideoAfdMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, ubyte field, gstvideo.types.VideoAFDSpec spec, gstvideo.types.VideoAFDValue afd)
Attaches #GstVideoAFDMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferAddVideoAffineTransformationMeta
gstvideo.video_affine_transformation_meta.VideoAffineTransformationMeta bufferAddVideoAffineTransformationMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer)
Attaches GstVideoAffineTransformationMeta metadata to buffer with
the given parameters.
- bufferAddVideoBarMeta
gstvideo.video_bar_meta.VideoBarMeta bufferAddVideoBarMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, ubyte field, bool isLetterbox, uint barData1, uint barData2)
Attaches #GstVideoBarMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferAddVideoCaptionMeta
gstvideo.video_caption_meta.VideoCaptionMeta bufferAddVideoCaptionMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, gstvideo.types.VideoCaptionType captionType, ubyte[] data)
Attaches #GstVideoCaptionMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferAddVideoCodecAlphaMeta
gstvideo.video_codec_alpha_meta.VideoCodecAlphaMeta bufferAddVideoCodecAlphaMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, gst.buffer.Buffer alphaBuffer)
Attaches a #GstVideoCodecAlphaMeta metadata to buffer with
the given alpha buffer.
- bufferAddVideoMeta
gstvideo.video_meta.VideoMeta bufferAddVideoMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, gstvideo.types.VideoFrameFlags flags, gstvideo.types.VideoFormat format, uint width, uint height)
Attaches GstVideoMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters and the
default offsets and strides for format and width x height.
- bufferAddVideoMetaFull
gstvideo.video_meta.VideoMeta bufferAddVideoMetaFull(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, gstvideo.types.VideoFrameFlags flags, gstvideo.types.VideoFormat format, uint width, uint height, uint nPlanes, size_t[] offset, int[] stride)
Attaches GstVideoMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
- bufferAddVideoOverlayCompositionMeta
gstvideo.video_overlay_composition_meta.VideoOverlayCompositionMeta bufferAddVideoOverlayCompositionMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buf, gstvideo.video_overlay_composition.VideoOverlayComposition comp)
Sets an overlay composition on a buffer. The buffer will obtain its own
reference to the composition, meaning this function does not take ownership
of comp.
- bufferAddVideoRegionOfInterestMeta
gstvideo.video_region_of_interest_meta.VideoRegionOfInterestMeta bufferAddVideoRegionOfInterestMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, string roiType, uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h)
Attaches #GstVideoRegionOfInterestMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferAddVideoRegionOfInterestMetaId
gstvideo.video_region_of_interest_meta.VideoRegionOfInterestMeta bufferAddVideoRegionOfInterestMetaId(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, glib.types.Quark roiType, uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h)
Attaches #GstVideoRegionOfInterestMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferAddVideoSeiUserDataUnregisteredMeta
gstvideo.video_seiuser_data_unregistered_meta.VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta bufferAddVideoSeiUserDataUnregisteredMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, ubyte[] uuid, ubyte[] data)
Attaches #GstVideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferAddVideoTimeCodeMeta
gstvideo.video_time_code_meta.VideoTimeCodeMeta bufferAddVideoTimeCodeMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, gstvideo.video_time_code.VideoTimeCode tc)
Attaches #GstVideoTimeCodeMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferAddVideoTimeCodeMetaFull
gstvideo.video_time_code_meta.VideoTimeCodeMeta bufferAddVideoTimeCodeMetaFull(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, uint fpsN, uint fpsD, glib.date_time.DateTime latestDailyJam, gstvideo.types.VideoTimeCodeFlags flags, uint hours, uint minutes, uint seconds, uint frames, uint fieldCount)
Attaches #GstVideoTimeCodeMeta metadata to buffer with the given
- bufferGetVideoMeta
gstvideo.video_meta.VideoMeta bufferGetVideoMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer)
Find the #GstVideoMeta on buffer with the lowest id.
- bufferGetVideoMetaId
gstvideo.video_meta.VideoMeta bufferGetVideoMetaId(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, int id)
Find the #GstVideoMeta on buffer with the given id.
- bufferGetVideoRegionOfInterestMetaId
gstvideo.video_region_of_interest_meta.VideoRegionOfInterestMeta bufferGetVideoRegionOfInterestMetaId(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, int id)
Find the #GstVideoRegionOfInterestMeta on buffer with the given id.
- bufferPoolConfigGetVideoAlignment
bool bufferPoolConfigGetVideoAlignment(gst.structure.Structure config, gstvideo.video_alignment.VideoAlignment align_)
Get the video alignment from the bufferpool configuration config in
in align
- bufferPoolConfigSetVideoAlignment
void bufferPoolConfigSetVideoAlignment(gst.structure.Structure config, gstvideo.video_alignment.VideoAlignment align_)
Set the video alignment in align to the bufferpool configuration
- isVideoOverlayPrepareWindowHandleMessage
bool isVideoOverlayPrepareWindowHandleMessage(gst.message.Message msg)
Convenience function to check if the given message is a
"prepare-window-handle" message from a #GstVideoOverlay.
- videoAfdMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoAfdMetaApiGetType()
- videoAffineTransformationMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoAffineTransformationMetaApiGetType()
- videoBarMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoBarMetaApiGetType()
- videoBlend
bool videoBlend(gstvideo.video_frame.VideoFrame dest, gstvideo.video_frame.VideoFrame src, int x, int y, float globalAlpha)
Lets you blend the src image into the dest image
- videoBlendScaleLinearRGBA
void videoBlendScaleLinearRGBA(gstvideo.video_info.VideoInfo src, gst.buffer.Buffer srcBuffer, int destHeight, int destWidth, gstvideo.video_info.VideoInfo dest, gst.buffer.Buffer destBuffer)
Scales a buffer containing RGBA (or AYUV) video. This is an internal
helper function which is used to scale subtitle overlays, and may be
deprecated in the near future. Use #GstVideoScaler to scale video buffers
- videoCalculateDisplayRatio
bool videoCalculateDisplayRatio(uint darN, uint darD, uint videoWidth, uint videoHeight, uint videoParN, uint videoParD, uint displayParN, uint displayParD)
Given the Pixel Aspect Ratio and size of an input video frame, and the
pixel aspect ratio of the intended display device, calculates the actual
display ratio the video will be rendered with.
- videoCaptionMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoCaptionMetaApiGetType()
- videoCenterRect
void videoCenterRect(gstvideo.types.VideoRectangle src, gstvideo.types.VideoRectangle dst, gstvideo.types.VideoRectangle result, bool scaling)
Takes src rectangle and position it at the center of dst rectangle with or
without scaling. It handles clipping if the src rectangle is bigger than
the dst one and scaling is set to FALSE.
- videoChromaFromString
gstvideo.types.VideoChromaSite videoChromaFromString(string s)
Convert s to a #GstVideoChromaSite
- videoChromaToString
string videoChromaToString(gstvideo.types.VideoChromaSite site)
Converts site to its string representation.
- videoCodecAlphaMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoCodecAlphaMetaApiGetType()
- videoColorTransferDecode
double videoColorTransferDecode(gstvideo.types.VideoTransferFunction func, double val)
- videoColorTransferEncode
double videoColorTransferEncode(gstvideo.types.VideoTransferFunction func, double val)
- videoConvertSample
gst.sample.Sample videoConvertSample(gst.sample.Sample sample, gst.caps.Caps toCaps, gst.types.ClockTime timeout)
Converts a raw video buffer into the specified output caps.
- videoConvertSampleAsync
void videoConvertSampleAsync(gst.sample.Sample sample, gst.caps.Caps toCaps, gst.types.ClockTime timeout, gstvideo.types.VideoConvertSampleCallback callback)
Converts a raw video buffer into the specified output caps.
- videoCropMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoCropMetaApiGetType()
- videoDmaDrmFourccFromFormat
uint videoDmaDrmFourccFromFormat(gstvideo.types.VideoFormat format)
Converting the video format into dma drm fourcc. If no
matching fourcc found, then DRM_FORMAT_INVALID is returned.
- videoDmaDrmFourccFromString
uint videoDmaDrmFourccFromString(string formatStr, ulong modifier)
Convert the format_str string into the drm fourcc value. The modifier is
also parsed if we want. Please note that the format_str should follow the
fourcc:modifier kind style, such as NV12:0x0100000000000002
- videoDmaDrmFourccToFormat
gstvideo.types.VideoFormat videoDmaDrmFourccToFormat(uint fourcc)
Converting a dma drm fourcc into the video format. If no matching
video format found, then GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN is returned.
- videoDmaDrmFourccToString
string videoDmaDrmFourccToString(uint fourcc, ulong modifier)
Returns a string containing drm kind format, such as
NV12:0x0100000000000002, or NULL otherwise.
- videoEventIsForceKeyUnit
bool videoEventIsForceKeyUnit(gst.event.Event event)
Checks if an event is a force key unit event. Returns true for both upstream
and downstream force key unit events.
- videoEventNewDownstreamForceKeyUnit
gst.event.Event videoEventNewDownstreamForceKeyUnit(gst.types.ClockTime timestamp, gst.types.ClockTime streamTime, gst.types.ClockTime runningTime, bool allHeaders, uint count)
Creates a new downstream force key unit event. A downstream force key unit
event can be sent down the pipeline to request downstream elements to produce
a key unit. A downstream force key unit event must also be sent when handling
an upstream force key unit event to notify downstream that the latter has been
- videoEventNewStillFrame
gst.event.Event videoEventNewStillFrame(bool inStill)
Creates a new Still Frame event. If in_still is true, then the event
represents the start of a still frame sequence. If it is false, then
the event ends a still frame sequence.
- videoEventNewUpstreamForceKeyUnit
gst.event.Event videoEventNewUpstreamForceKeyUnit(gst.types.ClockTime runningTime, bool allHeaders, uint count)
Creates a new upstream force key unit event. An upstream force key unit event
can be sent to request upstream elements to produce a key unit.
- videoEventParseDownstreamForceKeyUnit
bool videoEventParseDownstreamForceKeyUnit(gst.event.Event event, gst.types.ClockTime timestamp, gst.types.ClockTime streamTime, gst.types.ClockTime runningTime, bool allHeaders, uint count)
- videoEventParseStillFrame
bool videoEventParseStillFrame(gst.event.Event event, bool inStill)
Parse a #GstEvent, identify if it is a Still Frame event, and
return the still-frame state from the event if it is.
If the event represents the start of a still frame, the in_still
variable will be set to TRUE, otherwise FALSE. It is OK to pass NULL for the
in_still variable order to just check whether the event is a valid still-frame
- videoEventParseUpstreamForceKeyUnit
bool videoEventParseUpstreamForceKeyUnit(gst.event.Event event, gst.types.ClockTime runningTime, bool allHeaders, uint count)
- videoFormatsAny
gstvideo.types.VideoFormat[] videoFormatsAny()
Return all the raw video formats supported by GStreamer including
special opaque formats such as gstvideo.types.VideoFormat.DmaDrm for which
no software conversion exists. This should be use for passthrough
template cpas.
- videoFormatsRaw
gstvideo.types.VideoFormat[] videoFormatsRaw()
Return all the raw video formats supported by GStreamer.
- videoGlTextureUploadMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoGlTextureUploadMetaApiGetType()
- videoGuessFramerate
bool videoGuessFramerate(gst.types.ClockTime duration, int destN, int destD)
Given the nominal duration of one video frame,
this function will check some standard framerates for
a close match (within 0.1%) and return one if possible,
- videoIsCommonAspectRatio
bool videoIsCommonAspectRatio(int width, int height, int parN, int parD)
Given a frame's dimensions and pixel aspect ratio, this function will
calculate the frame's aspect ratio and compare it against a set of
common well-known "standard" aspect ratios.
- videoIsDmaDrmCaps
bool videoIsDmaDrmCaps(gst.caps.Caps caps)
Check whether the caps is a dma drm kind caps. Please note that
the caps should be fixed.
- videoMakeRawCaps
gst.caps.Caps videoMakeRawCaps(gstvideo.types.VideoFormat[] formats)
Return a generic raw video caps for formats defined in formats.
If formats is null returns a caps for all the supported raw video formats,
see gstvideo.global.videoFormatsRaw.
- videoMakeRawCapsWithFeatures
gst.caps.Caps videoMakeRawCapsWithFeatures(gstvideo.types.VideoFormat[] formats, gst.caps_features.CapsFeatures features)
Return a generic raw video caps for formats defined in formats with features
If formats is null returns a caps for all the supported video formats,
see gstvideo.global.videoFormatsRaw.
- videoMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoMetaApiGetType()
- videoMultiviewGetDoubledHeightModes
gobject.value.Value videoMultiviewGetDoubledHeightModes()
- videoMultiviewGetDoubledSizeModes
gobject.value.Value videoMultiviewGetDoubledSizeModes()
- videoMultiviewGetDoubledWidthModes
gobject.value.Value videoMultiviewGetDoubledWidthModes()
- videoMultiviewGetMonoModes
gobject.value.Value videoMultiviewGetMonoModes()
- videoMultiviewGetUnpackedModes
gobject.value.Value videoMultiviewGetUnpackedModes()
- videoMultiviewGuessHalfAspect
bool videoMultiviewGuessHalfAspect(gstvideo.types.VideoMultiviewMode mvMode, uint width, uint height, uint parN, uint parD)
- videoMultiviewVideoInfoChangeMode
void videoMultiviewVideoInfoChangeMode(gstvideo.video_info.VideoInfo info, gstvideo.types.VideoMultiviewMode outMviewMode, gstvideo.types.VideoMultiviewFlags outMviewFlags)
Utility function that transforms the width/height/PAR
and multiview mode and flags of a #GstVideoInfo into
the requested mode.
- videoOverlayCompositionMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoOverlayCompositionMetaApiGetType()
- videoRegionOfInterestMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoRegionOfInterestMetaApiGetType()
- videoSeiUserDataUnregisteredMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoSeiUserDataUnregisteredMetaApiGetType()
- videoSeiUserDataUnregisteredParsePrecisionTimeStamp
bool videoSeiUserDataUnregisteredParsePrecisionTimeStamp(gstvideo.video_seiuser_data_unregistered_meta.VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta userData, ubyte status, ulong precisionTimeStamp)
Parses and returns the Precision Time Stamp (ST 0604) from the SEI User Data Unregistered buffer
- videoTileGetIndex
uint videoTileGetIndex(gstvideo.types.VideoTileMode mode, int x, int y, int xTiles, int yTiles)
Get the tile index of the tile at coordinates x and y in the tiled
image of x_tiles by y_tiles.
- videoTimeCodeMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType videoTimeCodeMetaApiGetType()