Value | Meaning |
None-1 | No image type. Can be used to tell functions such as that no image type should be set. |
Undefined0 | Undefined/other image type |
FrontCover1 | Cover (front) |
BackCover2 | Cover (back) |
LeafletPage3 | Leaflet page |
Medium4 | Medium (e.g. label side of CD) |
LeadArtist5 | Lead artist/lead performer/soloist |
Artist6 | Artist/performer |
Conductor7 | Conductor |
BandOrchestra8 | Band/orchestra |
Composer9 | Composer |
Lyricist10 | Lyricist/text writer |
RecordingLocation11 | Recording location |
DuringRecording12 | During recording |
DuringPerformance13 | During performance |
VideoCapture14 | Movie/video screen capture |
Fish15 | A fish as funny as the ID3v2 spec |
Illustration16 | Illustration |
BandArtistLogo17 | Band/artist logotype |
PublisherStudioLogo18 | Publisher/studio logotype |
Type of image contained in an image tag (specified as "image-type" field in the info structure in the image's #GstSample)