Opaque RTSP watch object that can be used for asynchronous RTSP operations.



uint attach(glib.main_context.MainContext context)

Adds a #GstRTSPWatch to a context so that it will be executed within that context.

void getSendBacklog(size_t bytes, uint messages)

Get the maximum amount of bytes and messages that will be queued in watch. See gstrtsp.rtspwatch.RTSPWatch.setSendBacklog.

void reset()

Reset watch, this is usually called after gstrtsp.rtspconnection.RTSPConnection.doTunnel when the file descriptors of the connection might have changed.

gstrtsp.types.RTSPResult sendMessage(gstrtsp.rtspmessage.RTSPMessage message, uint id)

Send a message using the connection of the watch. If it cannot be sent immediately, it will be queued for transmission in watch. The contents of message will then be serialized and transmitted when the connection of the watch becomes writable. In case the message is queued, the ID returned in id will be non-zero and used as the ID argument in the message_sent callback.

gstrtsp.types.RTSPResult sendMessages(gstrtsp.rtspmessage.RTSPMessage[] messages, uint id)

Sends messages using the connection of the watch. If they cannot be sent immediately, they will be queued for transmission in watch. The contents of messages will then be serialized and transmitted when the connection of the watch becomes writable. In case the messages are queued, the ID returned in id will be non-zero and used as the ID argument in the message_sent callback once the last message is sent. The callback will only be called once for the last message.

void setFlushing(bool flushing)

When flushing is true, abort a call to gstrtsp.rtspwatch.RTSPWatch.waitBacklog and make sure gstrtsp.rtspwatch.RTSPWatch.writeData returns immediately with #GST_RTSP_EINTR. And empty the queue.

void setSendBacklog(size_t bytes, uint messages)

Set the maximum amount of bytes and messages that will be queued in watch. When the maximum amounts are exceeded, gstrtsp.rtspwatch.RTSPWatch.writeData and gstrtsp.rtspwatch.RTSPWatch.sendMessage will return #GST_RTSP_ENOMEM.

gstrtsp.types.RTSPResult waitBacklog(glib.time_val.TimeVal timeout)

Wait until there is place in the backlog queue, timeout is reached or watch is set to flushing.

gstrtsp.types.RTSPResult waitBacklogUsec(long timeout)

Wait until there is place in the backlog queue, timeout is reached or watch is set to flushing.