Add profile-specific extension data to packet. If packet already contains profile-specific extension data will be appended to the existing extension.
Add a new report block to packet with the given values.
Get the application-dependent data attached to a RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Get the length of the application-dependent data attached to an APP packet.
Get the name field of the APP packet.
Get the SSRC/CSRC field of the APP packet.
Get the subtype field of the APP packet.
Set the length of the application-dependent data attached to an APP packet.
Set the name field of the APP packet.
Set the SSRC/CSRC field of the APP packet.
Set the subtype field of the APP packet.
Add ssrc to the BYE packet.
Adds len SSRCs in ssrc to BYE packet.
Get the nth SSRC of the BYE packet.
Get the reason in packet.
Get the length of the reason string.
Get the number of SSRC fields in packet.
Set the reason string to reason in packet.
The profile-specific extension data is copied into a new allocated memory area data. This must be freed with after usage.
Get the Feedback Control Information attached to a RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Get the length of the Feedback Control Information attached to a RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Get the media SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Get the sender SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Get the feedback message type of the FB packet.
Set the length of the Feedback Control Information attached to a RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Set the media SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Set the sender SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB packet.
Set the feedback message type of the FB packet.
Get the count field in packet.
Get the length field of packet. This is the length of the packet in 32-bit words minus one.
Get the packet padding of the packet pointed to by packet.
Parse the values of the nth report block in packet and store the result in the values.
Get the number of report blocks in packet.
Get the packet type of the packet pointed to by packet.
Move the packet pointer packet to the next packet in the payload. Use gstrtp.rtcpbuffer.RTCPBuffer.getFirstPacket to initialize packet.
Removes the packet pointed to by packet and moves pointer to the next one
Get the ssrc field of the RR packet.
Set the ssrc field of the RR packet.
Add a new SDES entry to the current item in packet.
Add a new SDES item for ssrc to packet.
This function is like gstrtp.rtcppacket.RTCPPacket.sdesGetEntry but it returns a null-terminated copy of the data instead. use after usage.
Move to the first SDES entry in the current item.
Move to the first SDES item in packet.
Get the data of the current SDES item entry. type (when not NULL) will contain the type of the entry. data (when not NULL) will point to len bytes.
Get the number of items in the SDES packet packet.
Get the SSRC of the current SDES item.
Move to the next SDES entry in the current item.
Move to the next SDES item in packet.
Set the nth new report block in packet with the given values.
Parse the SR sender info and store the values.
Set the given values in the SR packet packet.
Move to the first extended report block in XR packet.
Get the extended report block type of the XR packet.
Parse the extended report block for DLRR report block type.
Retrieve the packet receipt time of seq which ranges in [begin_seq, end_seq).
Parse the Packet Recept Times Report Block from a XR packet
Parse the extended report block for Loss RLE and Duplicated LRE block type.
Retrieve actual chunk data.
Get the ssrc field of the XR packet.
Extract a basic information from static summary report block of XR packet.
Extract jitter information from the statistics summary. If the jitter flag in a block header is set as zero, all of jitters will be zero.
Get the number of lost or duplicate packets. If the flag in a block header is set as zero, lost_packets or dup_packets will be zero.
Extract the value of ttl for ipv4, or hop limit for ipv6.
Move to the next extended report block in XR packet.
Data structure that points to a packet at @offset in @buffer. The size of the structure is made public to allow stack allocations.