Value | Meaning |
Invalid-1 | Invalid SDES entry |
End0 | End of SDES list |
Cname1 | Canonical name |
Name2 | User name |
Email3 | User's electronic mail address |
Phone4 | User's phone number |
Loc5 | Geographic user location |
Tool6 | Name of application or tool |
Note7 | Notice about the source |
Priv8 | Private extensions |
H323Caddr9 | H.323 callable address |
Apsi10 | Application Specific Identifier (RFC6776) |
Rgrp11 | Reporting Group Identifier (RFC8861) |
RtpStreamId12 | RtpStreamId SDES item (RFC8852). |
RepairedRtpStreamId13 | RepairedRtpStreamId SDES item (RFC8852). |
Ccid14 | CLUE CaptId (RFC8849) |
Mid15 | MID SDES item (RFC8843). |
Different types of SDES content.