
A value mapping object that attaches multiple control sources to a guint gobject properties representing a color. A control value of 0.0 will turn the color component off and a value of 1.0 will be the color level.


this(gst.object.ObjectGst object, string propertyName, gst.control_source.ControlSource csA, gst.control_source.ControlSource csR, gst.control_source.ControlSource csG, gst.control_source.ControlSource csB)

Create a new control-binding that attaches the given #GstControlSource to the #GObject property.

Inherited Members

From ControlBinding

bool getGValueArray(gst.types.ClockTime timestamp, gst.types.ClockTime interval, gobject.value.Value[] values)

Gets a number of #GValues for the given controlled property starting at the requested time. The array values need to hold enough space for n_values of #GValue.

gobject.value.Value getValue(gst.types.ClockTime timestamp)

Gets the value for the given controlled property at the requested time.

bool isDisabled()

Checks if the control binding is disabled.

void setDisabled(bool disabled)

This function is used to disable a control binding for some time, i.e. gst.object.ObjectGst.syncValues will do nothing.

bool syncValues(gst.object.ObjectGst object, gst.types.ClockTime timestamp, gst.types.ClockTime lastSync)

Sets the property of the object, according to the #GstControlSources that handles it and for the given timestamp.