- AggregatorStartTimeSelection
alias AggregatorStartTimeSelection = GstAggregatorStartTimeSelection
- BaseParseFrameFlags
alias BaseParseFrameFlags = GstBaseParseFrameFlags
- BaseSrcFlags
alias BaseSrcFlags = GstBaseSrcFlags
- CollectDataDestroyNotify
alias CollectDataDestroyNotify = void delegate(gstbase.collect_data.CollectData data)
A function that will be called when the #GstCollectData will be freed.
It is passed the pointer to the structure and should free any custom
memory and resources allocated for it.
- CollectPadsBufferFunction
alias CollectPadsBufferFunction = gst.types.FlowReturn delegate(gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads pads, gstbase.collect_data.CollectData data, gst.buffer.Buffer buffer)
A function that will be called when a (considered oldest) buffer can be muxed.
If all pads have reached EOS, this function is called with null buffer
and null data.
- CollectPadsClipFunction
alias CollectPadsClipFunction = gst.types.FlowReturn delegate(gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads pads, gstbase.collect_data.CollectData data, gst.buffer.Buffer inbuffer, out gst.buffer.Buffer outbuffer)
A function that will be called when inbuffer is received on the pad managed
by data in the collectpad object pads.
- CollectPadsCompareFunction
alias CollectPadsCompareFunction = int delegate(gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads pads, gstbase.collect_data.CollectData data1, gst.types.ClockTime timestamp1, gstbase.collect_data.CollectData data2, gst.types.ClockTime timestamp2)
A function for comparing two timestamps of buffers or newsegments collected on one pad.
- CollectPadsEventFunction
alias CollectPadsEventFunction = bool delegate(gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads pads, gstbase.collect_data.CollectData pad, gst.event.Event event)
A function that will be called while processing an event. It takes
ownership of the event and is responsible for chaining up (to
gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads.eventDefault) or dropping events (such typical cases
being handled by the default handler).
- CollectPadsFlushFunction
alias CollectPadsFlushFunction = void delegate(gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads pads)
A function that will be called while processing a flushing seek event.
- CollectPadsFunction
alias CollectPadsFunction = gst.types.FlowReturn delegate(gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads pads)
A function that will be called when all pads have received data.
- CollectPadsQueryFunction
alias CollectPadsQueryFunction = bool delegate(gstbase.collect_pads.CollectPads pads, gstbase.collect_data.CollectData pad, gst.query.Query query)
A function that will be called while processing a query. It takes
ownership of the query and is responsible for chaining up (to
events downstream (with gst.pad.Pad.eventDefault).
- CollectPadsStateFlags
alias CollectPadsStateFlags = GstCollectPadsStateFlags
- DataQueueEmptyCallback
alias DataQueueEmptyCallback = void delegate(gstbase.data_queue.DataQueue queue)
- DataQueueFullCallback
alias DataQueueFullCallback = void delegate(gstbase.data_queue.DataQueue queue)
- DataQueueSize
alias DataQueueSize = GstDataQueueSize
- TypeFindData
alias TypeFindData = GstTypeFindData*
- TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction
alias TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction = gst.types.FlowReturn delegate(gst.object.ObjectGst obj, gst.object.ObjectGst parent, ulong offset, uint length, out gst.buffer.Buffer buffer)
This function will be called by gstbase.global.typeFindHelperGetRange when
typefinding functions request to peek at the data of a stream at certain
offsets. If this function returns GST_FLOW_OK, the result buffer will be
stored in buffer. The contents of buffer is invalid for any other
return value.