Checks if enough free space from the current write cursor is available and reallocates if necessary.
Writes size bytes containing value to writer.
Frees writer and all memory allocated by it except the current data, which is returned as #GstBuffer.
Frees writer and all memory allocated by it except the current data, which is returned.
Returns the remaining size of data that can still be written. If -1 is returned the remaining size is only limited by system resources.
Initializes writer with the given memory area. If initialized is true it is possible to read size bytes from the #GstByteWriter from the beginning.
Initializes writer with the given initial data size.
Initializes writer to an empty instance
Writes size bytes of data to writer.
Writes size bytes of data to writer.
Writes a big endian 32 bit float to writer.
Writes a little endian 32 bit float to writer.
Writes a big endian 64 bit float to writer.
Writes a little endian 64 bit float to writer.
Writes a signed big endian 16 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed little endian 16 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed big endian 24 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed little endian 24 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed big endian 32 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed little endian 32 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed big endian 64 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed little endian 64 bit integer to writer.
Writes a signed 8 bit integer to writer.
Writes a NUL-terminated UTF16 string to writer (including the terminator).
Writes a NUL-terminated UTF32 string to writer (including the terminator).
Writes a NUL-terminated UTF8 string to writer (including the terminator).
Writes a unsigned big endian 16 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned little endian 16 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned big endian 24 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned little endian 24 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned big endian 32 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned little endian 32 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned big endian 64 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned little endian 64 bit integer to writer.
Writes a unsigned 8 bit integer to writer.
Resets writer and frees the data if it's owned by writer.
Resets writer and returns the current data as buffer.
#GstByteWriter provides a byte writer and reader that can write/read different integer and floating point types to/from a memory buffer. It provides functions for writing/reading signed/unsigned, little/big endian integers of 8, 16, 24, 32 and 64 bits and functions for reading little/big endian floating points numbers of 32 and 64 bits. It also provides functions to write/read NUL-terminated strings in various character encodings.