
Subclasses should call this when they have prepared the buffers they will aggregate for each of their sink pads, but before using any of the properties of the pads that govern *how* aggregation should be performed, for example z-index for video aggregators.

If gstbase.aggregator.Aggregator.updateSegment is used by the subclass, it MUST be called before gstbase.aggregator.Aggregator.selectedSamples.

This function MUST only be called from the #GstAggregatorClass::aggregate() function.


pts gst.types.ClockTime

The presentation timestamp of the next output buffer

dts gst.types.ClockTime

The decoding timestamp of the next output buffer

duration gst.types.ClockTime

The duration of the next output buffer

info gst.structure.Structure

a #GstStructure containing additional information