- audioChannelGetFallbackMask
ulong audioChannelGetFallbackMask(int channels)
Get the fallback channel-mask for the given number of channels.
- audioChannelPositionsFromMask
bool audioChannelPositionsFromMask(ulong channelMask, gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] position)
Convert the channels present in channel_mask to a position array
(which should have at least channels entries ensured by caller).
If channel_mask is set to 0, it is considered as 'not present' for purpose
of conversion.
A partially valid channel_mask with less bits set than the number
of channels is considered valid.
- audioChannelPositionsToMask
bool audioChannelPositionsToMask(gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] position, bool forceOrder, ulong channelMask)
Convert the position array of channels channels to a bitmask.
- audioChannelPositionsToString
string audioChannelPositionsToString(gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] position)
Converts position to a human-readable string representation for
debugging purposes.
- audioChannelPositionsToValidOrder
bool audioChannelPositionsToValidOrder(gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] position)
Reorders the channel positions in position from any order to
the GStreamer channel order.
- audioCheckValidChannelPositions
bool audioCheckValidChannelPositions(gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] position, bool forceOrder)
Checks if position contains valid channel positions for
channels channels. If force_order is true it additionally
checks if the channels are in the order required by GStreamer.
- audioClippingMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType audioClippingMetaApiGetType()
- audioDownmixMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType audioDownmixMetaApiGetType()
- audioFormatInfoGetType
gobject.types.GType audioFormatInfoGetType()
- audioFormatsRaw
gstaudio.types.AudioFormat[] audioFormatsRaw()
Return all the raw audio formats supported by GStreamer.
- audioGetChannelReorderMap
bool audioGetChannelReorderMap(gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] from, gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] to, int[] reorderMap)
Returns a reorder map for from to to that can be used in
custom channel reordering code, e.g. to convert from or to the
GStreamer channel order. from and to must contain the same
number of positions and the same positions, only in a
different order.
- audioIec61937FrameSize
uint audioIec61937FrameSize(gstaudio.audio_ring_buffer_spec.AudioRingBufferSpec spec)
- audioIec61937Payload
bool audioIec61937Payload(ubyte[] src, ubyte[] dst, gstaudio.audio_ring_buffer_spec.AudioRingBufferSpec spec, int endianness)
Payloads src in the form specified by IEC 61937 for the type from spec and
stores the result in dst. src must contain exactly one frame of data and
the frame is not checked for errors.
- audioLevelMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType audioLevelMetaApiGetType()
Return the #GType associated with #GstAudioLevelMeta.
- audioMakeRawCaps
gst.caps.Caps audioMakeRawCaps(gstaudio.types.AudioFormat[] formats, gstaudio.types.AudioLayout layout)
Return a generic raw audio caps for formats defined in formats.
If formats is null returns a caps for all the supported raw audio formats,
see gstaudio.global.audioFormatsRaw.
- audioMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType audioMetaApiGetType()
- audioReorderChannels
bool audioReorderChannels(ubyte[] data, gstaudio.types.AudioFormat format, gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] from, gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] to)
Reorders data from the channel positions from to the channel
positions to. from and to must contain the same number of
positions and the same positions, only in a different order.
- bufferAddAudioClippingMeta
gstaudio.audio_clipping_meta.AudioClippingMeta bufferAddAudioClippingMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, gst.types.Format format, ulong start, ulong end)
Attaches #GstAudioClippingMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
- bufferAddAudioLevelMeta
gstaudio.audio_level_meta.AudioLevelMeta bufferAddAudioLevelMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, ubyte level, bool voiceActivity)
Attaches audio level information to buffer. (RFC 6464)
- bufferGetAudioDownmixMetaForChannels
gstaudio.audio_downmix_meta.AudioDownmixMeta bufferGetAudioDownmixMetaForChannels(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer, gstaudio.types.AudioChannelPosition[] toPosition)
Find the #GstAudioDownmixMeta on buffer for the given destination
channel positions.
- bufferGetAudioLevelMeta
gstaudio.audio_level_meta.AudioLevelMeta bufferGetAudioLevelMeta(gst.buffer.Buffer buffer)
Find the #GstAudioLevelMeta on buffer.
- dsdPlaneOffsetMetaApiGetType
gobject.types.GType dsdPlaneOffsetMetaApiGetType()