
Processes data with timestamp and n_samples, and returns the output timestamp, duration and sample position together with a boolean to signal whether a discontinuity was detected or not. All non-discontinuous data will have perfect timestamps and durations.

A discontinuity is detected once the difference between the actual timestamp and the timestamp calculated from the sample count since the last discontinuity differs by more than the alignment threshold for a duration longer than discont wait.

Note: In reverse playback, every buffer is considered discontinuous in the context of buffer flags because the last sample of the previous buffer is discontinuous with the first sample of the current one. However for this function they are only considered discontinuous in reverse playback if the first sample of the previous buffer is discontinuous with the last sample of the current one.


discont bool

if this data is considered to be discontinuous

timestamp gst.types.ClockTime

a #GstClockTime of the start of the data

nSamples uint

number of samples to process

outTimestamp gst.types.ClockTime

output timestamp of the data

outDuration gst.types.ClockTime

output duration of the data

outSamplePosition ulong

output sample position of the start of the data

Return Value

Type: bool

true if a discontinuity was detected, false otherwise.