
This base class is for audio decoders turning encoded data into raw audio samples.

GstAudioDecoder and subclass should cooperate as follows.


  • Initially, GstAudioDecoder calls @start when the decoder element is activated, which allows subclass to perform any global setup. Base class (context) parameters can already be set according to subclass capabilities (or possibly upon receive more information in subsequent @set_format).
  • GstAudioDecoder calls @set_format to inform subclass of the format of input audio data that it is about to receive. While unlikely, it might be called more than once, if changing input parameters require reconfiguration.
  • GstAudioDecoder calls @stop at end of all processing.

As of configuration stage, and throughout processing, GstAudioDecoder provides various (context) parameters, e.g. describing the format of output audio data (valid when output caps have been set) or current parsing state. Conversely, subclass can and should configure context to inform base class of its expectation w.r.t. buffer handling.

Data processing

  • Base class gathers input data, and optionally allows subclass to parse this into subsequently manageable (as defined by subclass) chunks. Such chunks are subsequently referred to as 'frames', though they may or may not correspond to 1 (or more) audio format frame.
  • Input frame is provided to subclass' @handle_frame.
  • If codec processing results in decoded data, subclass should call @gst_audio_decoder_finish_frame to have decoded data pushed downstream.
  • Just prior to actually pushing a buffer downstream, it is passed to @pre_push. Subclass should either use this callback to arrange for additional downstream pushing or otherwise ensure such custom pushing occurs after at least a method call has finished since setting src pad caps.
  • During the parsing process GstAudioDecoderClass will handle both srcpad and sinkpad events. Sink events will be passed to subclass if @event callback has been provided.

Shutdown phase

  • GstAudioDecoder class calls @stop to inform the subclass that data parsing will be stopped.

Subclass is responsible for providing pad template caps for source and sink pads. The pads need to be named "sink" and "src". It also needs to set the fixed caps on srcpad, when the format is ensured. This is typically when base class calls subclass' @set_format function, though it might be delayed until calling @gst_audio_decoder_finish_frame.

In summary, above process should have subclass concentrating on codec data processing while leaving other matters to base class, such as most notably timestamp handling. While it may exert more control in this area (see e.g. @pre_push), it is very much not recommended.

In particular, base class will try to arrange for perfect output timestamps as much as possible while tracking upstream timestamps. To this end, if deviation between the next ideal expected perfect timestamp and upstream exceeds #GstAudioDecoder:tolerance, then resync to upstream occurs (which would happen always if the tolerance mechanism is disabled).

In non-live pipelines, baseclass can also (configurably) arrange for output buffer aggregation which may help to redue large(r) numbers of small(er) buffers being pushed and processed downstream. Note that this feature is only available if the buffer layout is interleaved. For planar buffers, the decoder implementation is fully responsible for the output buffer size.

On the other hand, it should be noted that baseclass only provides limited seeking support (upon explicit subclass request), as full-fledged support should rather be left to upstream demuxer, parser or alike. This simple approach caters for seeking and duration reporting using estimated input bitrates.

Things that subclass need to take care of:

  • Provide pad templates
  • Set source pad caps when appropriate
  • Set user-configurable properties to sane defaults for format and implementing codec at hand, and convey some subclass capabilities and expectations in context.
  • Accept data in @handle_frame and provide encoded results to @gst_audio_decoder_finish_frame. If it is prepared to perform PLC, it should also accept NULL data in @handle_frame and provide for data for indicated duration.



gst.buffer.Buffer allocateOutputBuffer(size_t size)

Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an audio frame for dec's current output format.

gst.types.FlowReturn finishFrame(gst.buffer.Buffer buf, int frames)

Collects decoded data and pushes it downstream.

gst.types.FlowReturn finishSubframe(gst.buffer.Buffer buf)

Collects decoded data and pushes it downstream. This function may be called multiple times for a given input frame.

void getAllocator(gst.allocator.Allocator allocator, gst.allocation_params.AllocationParams params)

Lets #GstAudioDecoder sub-classes to know the memory allocator used by the base class and its params.

gstaudio.audio_info.AudioInfo getAudioInfo()
int getDelay()
bool getDrainable()

Queries decoder drain handling.

int getEstimateRate()
void getLatency(gst.types.ClockTime min, gst.types.ClockTime max)

Sets the variables pointed to by min and max to the currently configured latency.

int getMaxErrors()
gst.types.ClockTime getMinLatency()

Queries decoder's latency aggregation.

bool getNeedsFormat()

Queries decoder required format handling.

void getParseState(bool sync, bool eos)

Return current parsing (sync and eos) state.

bool getPlc()

Queries decoder packet loss concealment handling.

int getPlcAware()
gst.types.ClockTime getTolerance()

Queries current audio jitter tolerance threshold.

void mergeTags(gst.tag_list.TagList tags, gst.types.TagMergeMode mode)

Sets the audio decoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags. This will override any tags previously-set with gstaudio.audio_decoder.AudioDecoder.mergeTags.

bool negotiate()

Negotiate with downstream elements to currently configured #GstAudioInfo. Unmark GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE in any case. But mark it again if negotiate fails.

gst.caps.Caps proxyGetcaps(gst.caps.Caps caps, gst.caps.Caps filter)

Returns caps that express caps (or sink template caps if caps == NULL) restricted to rate/channels/... combinations supported by downstream elements.

void setAllocationCaps(gst.caps.Caps allocationCaps)

Sets a caps in allocation query which are different from the set pad's caps. Use this function before calling gstaudio.audio_decoder.AudioDecoder.negotiate. Setting to null the allocation query will use the caps from the pad.

void setDrainable(bool enabled)

Configures decoder drain handling. If drainable, subclass might be handed a NULL buffer to have it return any leftover decoded data. Otherwise, it is not considered so capable and will only ever be passed real data.

void setEstimateRate(bool enabled)

Allows baseclass to perform byte to time estimated conversion.

void setLatency(gst.types.ClockTime min, gst.types.ClockTime max)

Sets decoder latency. If the provided values changed from previously provided ones, this will also post a LATENCY message on the bus so the pipeline can reconfigure its global latency.

void setMaxErrors(int num)

Sets numbers of tolerated decoder errors, where a tolerated one is then only warned about, but more than tolerated will lead to fatal error. You can set -1 for never returning fatal errors. Default is set to GST_AUDIO_DECODER_MAX_ERRORS.

void setMinLatency(gst.types.ClockTime num)

Sets decoder minimum aggregation latency.

void setNeedsFormat(bool enabled)

Configures decoder format needs. If enabled, subclass needs to be negotiated with format caps before it can process any data. It will then never be handed any data before it has been configured. Otherwise, it might be handed data without having been configured and is then expected being able to do so either by default or based on the input data.

bool setOutputCaps(gst.caps.Caps caps)

Configure output caps on the srcpad of dec. Similar to gstaudio.audio_decoder.AudioDecoder.setOutputFormat, but allows subclasses to specify output caps that can't be expressed via #GstAudioInfo e.g. caps that have caps features.

bool setOutputFormat(gstaudio.audio_info.AudioInfo info)

Configure output info on the srcpad of dec.

void setPlc(bool enabled)

Enable or disable decoder packet loss concealment, provided subclass and codec are capable and allow handling plc.

void setPlcAware(bool plc)

Indicates whether or not subclass handles packet loss concealment (plc).

void setTolerance(gst.types.ClockTime tolerance)

Configures decoder audio jitter tolerance threshold.

void setUseDefaultPadAcceptcaps(bool use)

Lets #GstAudioDecoder sub-classes decide if they want the sink pad to use the default pad query handler to reply to accept-caps queries.

Inherited Members

From Element

gst.element.Element makeFromUri(gst.types.URIType type, string uri, string elementname)

Creates an element for handling the given URI.

bool register(gst.plugin.Plugin plugin, string name, uint rank, gobject.types.GType type)

Create a new elementfactory capable of instantiating objects of the type and add the factory to plugin.

string stateChangeReturnGetName(gst.types.StateChangeReturn stateRet)

Gets a string representing the given state change result.

string stateGetName(gst.types.State state)

Gets a string representing the given state.

void typeSetSkipDocumentation(gobject.types.GType type)

Marks type as "documentation should be skipped". Can be useful for dynamically registered element to be excluded from plugin documentation system.

void abortState()

Abort the state change of the element. This function is used by elements that do asynchronous state changes and find out something is wrong.

bool addPad(gst.pad.Pad pad)

Adds a pad (link point) to element. pad's parent will be set to element; see gst.object.ObjectGst.setParent for refcounting information.

gulong addPropertyDeepNotifyWatch(string propertyName, bool includeValue)
gulong addPropertyNotifyWatch(string propertyName, bool includeValue)
void callAsync(gst.types.ElementCallAsyncFunc func)

Calls func from another thread and passes user_data to it. This is to be used for cases when a state change has to be performed from a streaming thread, directly via gst.element.Element.setState or indirectly e.g. via SEEK events.

gst.types.StateChangeReturn changeState(gst.types.StateChange transition)

Perform transition on element.

gst.types.StateChangeReturn continueState(gst.types.StateChangeReturn ret)

Commit the state change of the element and proceed to the next pending state if any. This function is used by elements that do asynchronous state changes. The core will normally call this method automatically when an element returned gst.types.StateChangeReturn.Success from the state change function.

void createAllPads()

Creates a pad for each pad template that is always available. This function is only useful during object initialization of subclasses of #GstElement.

string decorateStreamId(string streamId)

Creates a stream-id for element by combining the upstream information with the stream_id.

bool foreachPad(gst.types.ElementForeachPadFunc func)

Call func with user_data for each of element's pads. func will be called exactly once for each pad that exists at the time of this call, unless one of the calls to func returns false in which case we will stop iterating pads and return early. If new pads are added or pads are removed while pads are being iterated, this will not be taken into account until next time this function is used.

bool foreachSinkPad(gst.types.ElementForeachPadFunc func)

Call func with user_data for each of element's sink pads. func will be called exactly once for each sink pad that exists at the time of this call, unless one of the calls to func returns false in which case we will stop iterating pads and return early. If new sink pads are added or sink pads are removed while the sink pads are being iterated, this will not be taken into account until next time this function is used.

bool foreachSrcPad(gst.types.ElementForeachPadFunc func)

Call func with user_data for each of element's source pads. func will be called exactly once for each source pad that exists at the time of this call, unless one of the calls to func returns false in which case we will stop iterating pads and return early. If new source pads are added or source pads are removed while the source pads are being iterated, this will not be taken into account until next time this function is used.

gst.types.ClockTime getBaseTime()

Returns the base time of the element. The base time is the absolute time of the clock when this element was last put to PLAYING. Subtracting the base time from the clock time gives the running time of the element.

gst.bus.Bus getBus()

Returns the bus of the element. Note that only a #GstPipeline will provide a bus for the application.

gst.clock.Clock getClock()

Gets the currently configured clock of the element. This is the clock as was last set with gst.element.Element.setClock.

gst.pad.Pad getCompatiblePad(gst.pad.Pad pad, gst.caps.Caps caps)

Looks for an unlinked pad to which the given pad can link. It is not guaranteed that linking the pads will work, though it should work in most cases.

gst.pad_template.PadTemplate getCompatiblePadTemplate(gst.pad_template.PadTemplate compattempl)

Retrieves a pad template from element that is compatible with compattempl. Pads from compatible templates can be linked together.

gst.context.Context getContext(string contextType)

Gets the context with context_type set on the element or NULL.

gst.context.Context getContextUnlocked(string contextType)

Gets the context with context_type set on the element or NULL.

gst.context.Context[] getContexts()

Gets the contexts set on the element.

gst.types.ClockTime getCurrentClockTime()

Returns the current clock time of the element, as in, the time of the element's clock, or GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE if there is no clock.

gst.types.ClockTime getCurrentRunningTime()

Returns the running time of the element. The running time is the element's clock time minus its base time. Will return GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE if the element has no clock, or if its base time has not been set.

gst.element_factory.ElementFactory getFactory()

Retrieves the factory that was used to create this element.

string getMetadata(string key)

Get metadata with key in klass.

gst.pad_template.PadTemplate getPadTemplate(string name)

Retrieves a padtemplate from element with the given name.

gst.pad_template.PadTemplate[] getPadTemplateList()

Retrieves a list of the pad templates associated with element. The list must not be modified by the calling code.

gst.pad.Pad getRequestPad(string name)

The name of this function is confusing to people learning GStreamer. gst.element.Element.requestPadSimple aims at making it more explicit it is a simplified gst.element.Element.requestPad.

gst.types.ClockTime getStartTime()

Returns the start time of the element. The start time is the running time of the clock when this element was last put to PAUSED.

gst.types.StateChangeReturn getState(gst.types.State state, gst.types.State pending, gst.types.ClockTime timeout)

Gets the state of the element.

gst.pad.Pad getStaticPad(string name)

Retrieves a pad from element by name. This version only retrieves already-existing (i.e. 'static') pads.

bool isLockedState()

Checks if the state of an element is locked. If the state of an element is locked, state changes of the parent don't affect the element. This way you can leave currently unused elements inside bins. Just lock their state before changing the state from #GST_STATE_NULL.

gst.iterator.Iterator iteratePads()

Retrieves an iterator of element's pads. The iterator should be freed after usage. Also more specialized iterators exists such as gst.element.Element.iterateSrcPads or gst.element.Element.iterateSinkPads.

gst.iterator.Iterator iterateSinkPads()

Retrieves an iterator of element's sink pads.

gst.iterator.Iterator iterateSrcPads()

Retrieves an iterator of element's source pads.

bool link(gst.element.Element dest)

Links src to dest. The link must be from source to destination; the other direction will not be tried. The function looks for existing pads that aren't linked yet. It will request new pads if necessary. Such pads need to be released manually when unlinking. If multiple links are possible, only one is established.

bool linkFiltered(gst.element.Element dest, gst.caps.Caps filter)

Links src to dest using the given caps as filtercaps. The link must be from source to destination; the other direction will not be tried. The function looks for existing pads that aren't linked yet. It will request new pads if necessary. If multiple links are possible, only one is established.

bool linkPads(string srcpadname, gst.element.Element dest, string destpadname)

Links the two named pads of the source and destination elements. Side effect is that if one of the pads has no parent, it becomes a child of the parent of the other element. If they have different parents, the link fails.

bool linkPadsFiltered(string srcpadname, gst.element.Element dest, string destpadname, gst.caps.Caps filter)

Links the two named pads of the source and destination elements. Side effect is that if one of the pads has no parent, it becomes a child of the parent of the other element. If they have different parents, the link fails. If caps is not null, makes sure that the caps of the link is a subset of caps.

bool linkPadsFull(string srcpadname, gst.element.Element dest, string destpadname, gst.types.PadLinkCheck flags)

Links the two named pads of the source and destination elements. Side effect is that if one of the pads has no parent, it becomes a child of the parent of the other element. If they have different parents, the link fails.

void lostState()

Brings the element to the lost state. The current state of the element is copied to the pending state so that any call to gst.element.Element.getState will return gst.types.StateChangeReturn.Async.

void messageFull(gst.types.MessageType type, glib.types.Quark domain, int code, string text, string debug_, string file, string function_, int line)

Post an error, warning or info message on the bus from inside an element.

void messageFullWithDetails(gst.types.MessageType type, glib.types.Quark domain, int code, string text, string debug_, string file, string function_, int line, gst.structure.Structure structure)

Post an error, warning or info message on the bus from inside an element.

void noMorePads()

Use this function to signal that the element does not expect any more pads to show up in the current pipeline. This function should be called whenever pads have been added by the element itself. Elements with #GST_PAD_SOMETIMES pad templates use this in combination with autopluggers to figure out that the element is done initializing its pads.

bool postMessage(gst.message.Message message)

Post a message on the element's #GstBus. This function takes ownership of the message; if you want to access the message after this call, you should add an additional reference before calling.

gst.clock.Clock provideClock()

Get the clock provided by the given element. > An element is only required to provide a clock in the PAUSED > state. Some elements can provide a clock in other states.

bool query(gst.query.Query query)

Performs a query on the given element.

bool queryConvert(gst.types.Format srcFormat, long srcVal, gst.types.Format destFormat, long destVal)

Queries an element to convert src_val in src_format to dest_format.

bool queryDuration(gst.types.Format format, long duration)

Queries an element (usually top-level pipeline or playbin element) for the total stream duration in nanoseconds. This query will only work once the pipeline is prerolled (i.e. reached PAUSED or PLAYING state). The application will receive an ASYNC_DONE message on the pipeline bus when that is the case.

bool queryPosition(gst.types.Format format, long cur)

Queries an element (usually top-level pipeline or playbin element) for the stream position in nanoseconds. This will be a value between 0 and the stream duration (if the stream duration is known). This query will usually only work once the pipeline is prerolled (i.e. reached PAUSED or PLAYING state). The application will receive an ASYNC_DONE message on the pipeline bus when that is the case.

void releaseRequestPad(gst.pad.Pad pad)

Makes the element free the previously requested pad as obtained with gst.element.Element.requestPad.

bool removePad(gst.pad.Pad pad)

Removes pad from element. pad will be destroyed if it has not been referenced elsewhere using gst.object.ObjectGst.unparent.

void removePropertyNotifyWatch(gulong watchId)
gst.pad.Pad requestPad(gst.pad_template.PadTemplate templ, string name, gst.caps.Caps caps)

Retrieves a request pad from the element according to the provided template. Pad templates can be looked up using gst.element_factory.ElementFactory.getStaticPadTemplates.

gst.pad.Pad requestPadSimple(string name)

Retrieves a pad from the element by name (e.g. "src_\d"). This version only retrieves request pads. The pad should be released with gst.element.Element.releaseRequestPad.

bool seek(double rate, gst.types.Format format, gst.types.SeekFlags flags, gst.types.SeekType startType, long start, gst.types.SeekType stopType, long stop)

Sends a seek event to an element. See gst.event.Event.newSeek for the details of the parameters. The seek event is sent to the element using gst.element.Element.sendEvent.

bool seekSimple(gst.types.Format format, gst.types.SeekFlags seekFlags, long seekPos)

Simple API to perform a seek on the given element, meaning it just seeks to the given position relative to the start of the stream. For more complex operations like segment seeks (e.g. for looping) or changing the playback rate or seeking relative to the last configured playback segment you should use

bool sendEvent(gst.event.Event event)

Sends an event to an element. If the element doesn't implement an event handler, the event will be pushed on a random linked sink pad for downstream events or a random linked source pad for upstream events.

void setBaseTime(gst.types.ClockTime time)

Set the base time of an element. See gst.element.Element.getBaseTime.

void setBus(gst.bus.Bus bus)

Sets the bus of the element. Increases the refcount on the bus. For internal use only, unless you're testing elements.

bool setClock(gst.clock.Clock clock)

Sets the clock for the element. This function increases the refcount on the clock. Any previously set clock on the object is unreffed.

void setContext(gst.context.Context context)

Sets the context of the element. Increases the refcount of the context.

bool setLockedState(bool lockedState)

Locks the state of an element, so state changes of the parent don't affect this element anymore.

void setStartTime(gst.types.ClockTime time)

Set the start time of an element. The start time of the element is the running time of the element when it last went to the PAUSED state. In READY or after a flushing seek, it is set to 0.

gst.types.StateChangeReturn setState(gst.types.State state)

Sets the state of the element. This function will try to set the requested state by going through all the intermediary states and calling the class's state change function for each.

bool syncStateWithParent()

Tries to change the state of the element to the same as its parent. If this function returns false, the state of element is undefined.

void unlink(gst.element.Element dest)

Unlinks all source pads of the source element with all sink pads of the sink element to which they are linked.

void unlinkPads(string srcpadname, gst.element.Element dest, string destpadname)

Unlinks the two named pads of the source and destination elements.

ulong connectNoMorePads(T callback, Flag!"After" after)

Connect to NoMorePads signal.

ulong connectPadAdded(T callback, Flag!"After" after)

Connect to PadAdded signal.

ulong connectPadRemoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)

Connect to PadRemoved signal.