Called when the end-of-stream has been reached. This callback is called from the streaming thread.
Called when a new event is available. This callback is called from the streaming thread. The new event can be retrieved with gst_app_sink_pull_event() either from this callback or from any other thread. The callback should return true if the event has been handled, false otherwise.
Called when a new preroll sample is available. This callback is called from the streaming thread. The new preroll sample can be retrieved with gstapp.app_sink.AppSink.pullPreroll either from this callback or from any other thread.
Called when a new sample is available. This callback is called from the streaming thread. The new sample can be retrieved with gstapp.app_sink.AppSink.pullSample either from this callback or from any other thread.
Called when the propose_allocation query is available. This callback is called from the streaming thread. The allocation query can be retrieved with gst_app_sink_propose_allocation() either from this callback or from any other thread.
A set of callbacks that can be installed on the appsink with gstapp.app_sink.AppSink.setCallbacks.