
Proxy object for Gst.TagSetter interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding

class TagSetterIfaceProxy : IfaceProxy , TagSetter {}

Mixed In Members

From mixin TagSetterT!()

void addTagValue(gst.types.TagMergeMode mode, string tag, gobject.value.Value value)

Adds the given tag / GValue pair on the setter using the given merge mode.

gst.tag_list.TagList getTagList()

Returns the current list of tags the setter uses. The list should not be modified or freed.

gst.types.TagMergeMode getTagMergeMode()

Queries the mode by which tags inside the setter are overwritten by tags from events

void mergeTags(gst.tag_list.TagList list, gst.types.TagMergeMode mode)

Merges the given list into the setter's list using the given mode.

void resetTags()

Reset the internal taglist. Elements should call this from within the state-change handler.

void setTagMergeMode(gst.types.TagMergeMode mode)

Sets the given merge mode that is used for adding tags from events to tags specified by this interface. The default is #GST_TAG_MERGE_KEEP, which keeps the tags set with this interface and discards tags from events.

Inherited Members

From TagSetter

void addTagValue(gst.types.TagMergeMode mode, string tag, gobject.value.Value value)

Adds the given tag / GValue pair on the setter using the given merge mode.

gst.tag_list.TagList getTagList()

Returns the current list of tags the setter uses. The list should not be modified or freed.

gst.types.TagMergeMode getTagMergeMode()

Queries the mode by which tags inside the setter are overwritten by tags from events

void mergeTags(gst.tag_list.TagList list, gst.types.TagMergeMode mode)

Merges the given list into the setter's list using the given mode.

void resetTags()

Reset the internal taglist. Elements should call this from within the state-change handler.

void setTagMergeMode(gst.types.TagMergeMode mode)

Sets the given merge mode that is used for adding tags from events to tags specified by this interface. The default is #GST_TAG_MERGE_KEEP, which keeps the tags set with this interface and discards tags from events.