Get a handle to the default system clock. The refcount of the clock will be increased so you need to unref the clock after usage.
Sets the default system clock that can be obtained with gst.system_clock.SystemClock.obtain.
Compares the two #GstClockID instances. This function can be used as a GCompareFunc when sorting ids.
This function returns the underlying clock.
Gets the time of the clock ID
Increases the refcount of given id.
Unrefs given id. When the refcount reaches 0 the #GstClockID will be freed.
Cancels an outstanding request with id. This can either be an outstanding async notification or a pending sync notification. After this call, id cannot be used anymore to receive sync or async notifications, you need to create a new #GstClockID.
This function returns whether id uses clock as the underlying clock. clock can be NULL, in which case the return value indicates whether the underlying clock has been freed. If this is the case, the id is no longer usable and should be freed.
Performs a blocking wait on id. id should have been created with gst.clock.Clock.newSingleShotId or gst.clock.Clock.newPeriodicId and should not have been unscheduled with a call to gst.clock.Clock.idUnschedule.
Registers a callback on the given #GstClockID id with the given function and user_data. When passing a #GstClockID with an invalid time to this function, the callback will be called immediately with a time set to GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE. The callback will be called when the time of id has been reached.
The time master of the master clock and the time slave of the slave clock are added to the list of observations. If enough observations are available, a linear regression algorithm is run on the observations and clock is recalibrated.
Add a clock observation to the internal slaving algorithm the same as gst.clock.Clock.addObservation, and return the result of the master clock estimation, without updating the internal calibration.
Converts the given internal clock time to the external time, adjusting for the rate and reference time set with gst.clock.Clock.setCalibration and making sure that the returned time is increasing. This function should be called with the clock's OBJECT_LOCK held and is mainly used by clock subclasses.
Converts the given internal_target clock time to the external time, using the passed calibration parameters. This function performs the same calculation as gst.clock.Clock.adjustUnlocked when called using the current calibration parameters, but doesn't ensure a monotonically increasing result as gst.clock.Clock.adjustUnlocked does.
Gets the internal rate and reference time of clock. See gst.clock.Clock.setCalibration for more information.
Gets the current internal time of the given clock. The time is returned unadjusted for the offset and the rate.
Gets the master clock that clock is slaved to or null when the clock is not slaved to any master clock.
Gets the accuracy of the clock. The accuracy of the clock is the granularity of the values returned by gst.clock.Clock.getTime.
Gets the current time of the given clock. The time is always monotonically increasing and adjusted according to the current offset and rate.
Gets the amount of time that master and slave clocks are sampled.
Checks if the clock is currently synced, by looking at whether gst.types.ClockFlags.NeedsStartupSync is set.
Gets an ID from clock to trigger a periodic notification. The periodic notifications will start at time start_time and will then be fired with the given interval.
Gets a #GstClockID from clock to trigger a single shot notification at the requested time.
Reinitializes the provided periodic id to the provided start time and interval. Does not modify the reference count.
Adjusts the rate and time of clock. A rate of 1/1 is the normal speed of the clock. Values bigger than 1/1 make the clock go faster.
Sets master as the master clock for clock. clock will be automatically calibrated so that gst.clock.Clock.getTime reports the same time as the master clock.
Sets the accuracy of the clock. Some clocks have the possibility to operate with different accuracy at the expense of more resource usage. There is normally no need to change the default resolution of a clock. The resolution of a clock can only be changed if the clock has the #GST_CLOCK_FLAG_CAN_SET_RESOLUTION flag set.
Sets clock to synced and emits the #GstClock::synced signal, and wakes up any thread waiting in gst.clock.Clock.waitForSync.
Sets the amount of time, in nanoseconds, to sample master and slave clocks
Reinitializes the provided single shot id to the provided time. Does not modify the reference count.
Converts the given external clock time to the internal time of clock, using the rate and reference time set with gst.clock.Clock.setCalibration. This function should be called with the clock's OBJECT_LOCK held and is mainly used by clock subclasses.
Converts the given external_target clock time to the internal time, using the passed calibration parameters. This function performs the same calculation as gst.clock.Clock.unadjustUnlocked when called using the current calibration parameters.
Waits until clock is synced for reporting the current time. If timeout is GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE it will wait forever, otherwise it will time out after timeout nanoseconds.
Connect to Synced signal.
The GStreamer core provides a GstSystemClock based on the system time. Asynchronous callbacks are scheduled from an internal thread.
Clock implementors are encouraged to subclass this systemclock as it implements the async notification.
Subclasses can however override all of the important methods for sync and async notifications to implement their own callback methods or blocking wait operations.