Atomically modifies a pointer to point to a new structure. The #GstStructure oldstr_ptr is pointing to is freed and newstr is taken ownership over.
Either newstr and the value pointed to by oldstr_ptr may be null.
It is a programming error if both newstr and the value pointed to by oldstr_ptr refer to the same, non-null structure.
pointer to a place of a #GstStructure to take
a new #GstStructure
true if newstr was different from oldstr_ptr
Atomically modifies a pointer to point to a new structure. The #GstStructure oldstr_ptr is pointing to is freed and newstr is taken ownership over.
Either newstr and the value pointed to by oldstr_ptr may be null.
It is a programming error if both newstr and the value pointed to by oldstr_ptr refer to the same, non-null structure.