Checks whether the given plugin feature is at least the required version.
Note: Since version 1.24 this function no longer returns true if the
version is a git development version (e.g. and the check is
for the "next" micro version, that is it will no longer return true for
e.g. if the check is for 1.23.1. It is still possible to parse
the nano version from the string and do this check that way if needed.
Checks whether the given plugin feature is at least the required version.
Note: Since version 1.24 this function no longer returns true if the version is a git development version (e.g. and the check is for the "next" micro version, that is it will no longer return true for e.g. if the check is for 1.23.1. It is still possible to parse the nano version from the string and do this check that way if needed.