- childAdded
void childAdded(gobject.object.ObjectG child, string name)
Emits the #GstChildProxy::child-added signal.
- childRemoved
void childRemoved(gobject.object.ObjectG child, string name)
Emits the #GstChildProxy::child-removed signal.
- getChildByIndex
gobject.object.ObjectG getChildByIndex(uint index)
Fetches a child by its number.
- getChildByName
gobject.object.ObjectG getChildByName(string name)
Looks up a child element by the given name.
- getChildByNameRecurse
gobject.object.ObjectG getChildByNameRecurse(string name)
Looks up a child element by the given full-path name.
- getChildrenCount
uint getChildrenCount()
Gets the number of child objects this parent contains.
- getChildProxyProperty
void getChildProxyProperty(string name, gobject.value.Value value)
Gets a single property using the GstChildProxy mechanism.
You are responsible for freeing it by calling gobject.value.Value.unset
- lookup
bool lookup(string name, gobject.object.ObjectG target, gobject.param_spec.ParamSpec pspec)
Looks up which object and #GParamSpec would be effected by the given name.
- setProperty
void setProperty(string name, gobject.value.Value value)
Sets a single property using the GstChildProxy mechanism.
- connectChildAdded
ulong connectChildAdded(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to ChildAdded signal.
- connectChildRemoved
ulong connectChildRemoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to ChildRemoved signal.
- childAdded
void childAdded(gobject.object.ObjectG child, string name)
Emits the #GstChildProxy::child-added signal.
- childRemoved
void childRemoved(gobject.object.ObjectG child, string name)
Emits the #GstChildProxy::child-removed signal.
- getChildByIndex
gobject.object.ObjectG getChildByIndex(uint index)
Fetches a child by its number.
- getChildByName
gobject.object.ObjectG getChildByName(string name)
Looks up a child element by the given name.
- getChildByNameRecurse
gobject.object.ObjectG getChildByNameRecurse(string name)
Looks up a child element by the given full-path name.
- getChildrenCount
uint getChildrenCount()
Gets the number of child objects this parent contains.
- getChildProxyProperty
void getChildProxyProperty(string name, gobject.value.Value value)
Gets a single property using the GstChildProxy mechanism.
You are responsible for freeing it by calling gobject.value.Value.unset
- lookup
bool lookup(string name, gobject.object.ObjectG target, gobject.param_spec.ParamSpec pspec)
Looks up which object and #GParamSpec would be effected by the given name.
- setProperty
void setProperty(string name, gobject.value.Value value)
Sets a single property using the GstChildProxy mechanism.
- connectChildAdded
ulong connectChildAdded(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to ChildAdded signal.
- connectChildRemoved
ulong connectChildRemoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to ChildRemoved signal.
Proxy object for Gst.ChildProxy interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding