- containsPoint
bool containsPoint(graphene.point.Point point)
Checks if the given point is inside the rounded rectangle.
- containsRect
bool containsRect(graphene.rect.Rect rect)
Checks if the given rect is contained inside the rounded rectangle.
- initCopy
gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect initCopy(gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect src)
Initializes self using the given src rectangle.
- initFromRect
gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect initFromRect(graphene.rect.Rect bounds, float radius)
Initializes self to the given bounds and sets the radius
of all four corners to radius.
- init_
gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect init_(graphene.rect.Rect bounds, graphene.size.Size topLeft, graphene.size.Size topRight, graphene.size.Size bottomRight, graphene.size.Size bottomLeft)
- intersectsRect
bool intersectsRect(graphene.rect.Rect rect)
Checks if part of the given rect is contained inside the rounded rectangle.
- isRectilinear
bool isRectilinear()
Checks if all corners of self are right angles and the
rectangle covers all of its bounds.
- normalize
gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect normalize()
Normalizes the passed rectangle.
- offset
gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect offset(float dx, float dy)
Offsets the bound's origin by dx and dy.
- shrink
gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect shrink(float top, float right, float bottom, float left)
Shrinks (or grows) the given rectangle by moving the 4 sides
according to the offsets given.
A rectangular region with rounded corners.
Application code should normalize rectangles using gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect.normalize; this function will ensure that the bounds of the rectangle are normalized and ensure that the corner values are positive and the corners do not overlap.
All functions taking a gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect as an argument will internally operate on a normalized copy; all functions returning a gsk.rounded_rect.RoundedRect will always return a normalized one.
The algorithm used for normalizing corner sizes is described in the CSS specification.