The returned bounds may be larger than necessary, because this
function aims to be fast, not accurate. The bounds are guaranteed
to contain the path.
It is possible that the returned rectangle has 0 width and/or height.
This can happen when the path only describes a point or an
axis-aligned line.
If the path is empty, FALSE is returned and bounds are set to This is different from the case where the path
is a single point at the origin, where the bounds will also be set to
the zero rectangle but TRUE will be returned.
Computes the bounds of the given path.
The returned bounds may be larger than necessary, because this function aims to be fast, not accurate. The bounds are guaranteed to contain the path.
It is possible that the returned rectangle has 0 width and/or height. This can happen when the path only describes a point or an axis-aligned line.
If the path is empty, FALSE is returned and bounds are set to This is different from the case where the path is a single point at the origin, where the bounds will also be set to the zero rectangle but TRUE will be returned.