A structure containing a weak reference to a #GObject.
A gobject.weak_ref.WeakRef can either be empty (i.e. point to null), or point to an
object for as long as at least one "strong" reference to that object
exists. Before the object's #GObjectClass.dispose method is called,
every #GWeakRef associated with becomes empty (i.e. points to null).
Like #GValue, #GWeakRef can be statically allocated, stack- or
heap-allocated, or embedded in larger structures.
If the object's #GObjectClass.dispose method results in additional
references to the object being held (‘re-referencing’), any #GWeakRefs taken
before it was disposed will continue to point to null. Any #GWeakRefs taken
during disposal and after re-referencing, or after disposal has returned due
to the re-referencing, will continue to point to the object until its refcount
goes back to zero, at which point they too will be invalidated.
It is invalid to take a #GWeakRef on an object during #GObjectClass.dispose
without first having or creating a strong reference to the object.
A structure containing a weak reference to a #GObject.
A gobject.weak_ref.WeakRef can either be empty (i.e. point to null), or point to an object for as long as at least one "strong" reference to that object exists. Before the object's #GObjectClass.dispose method is called, every #GWeakRef associated with becomes empty (i.e. points to null).
Like #GValue, #GWeakRef can be statically allocated, stack- or heap-allocated, or embedded in larger structures.
Unlike gobject.object.ObjectG.weakRef and gobject.object.ObjectG.addWeakPointer, this weak reference is thread-safe: converting a weak pointer to a reference is atomic with respect to invalidation of weak pointers to destroyed objects.
If the object's #GObjectClass.dispose method results in additional references to the object being held (‘re-referencing’), any #GWeakRefs taken before it was disposed will continue to point to null. Any #GWeakRefs taken during disposal and after re-referencing, or after disposal has returned due to the re-referencing, will continue to point to the object until its refcount goes back to zero, at which point they too will be invalidated.
It is invalid to take a #GWeakRef on an object during #GObjectClass.dispose without first having or creating a strong reference to the object.