
This function is responsible for storing the value contents into arguments passed through a variadic argument list which got collected into collect_values according to lcopy_format.

The n_collect_values argument equals the string length of lcopy_format, and collect_flags may contain G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS.

In contrast to #GTypeValueCollectFunc, this function is obliged to always properly support G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS.

Similar to #GTypeValueCollectFunc the function may prematurely abort by returning a newly allocated string describing an error condition. To complete the string example:

gchar **string_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
g_return_val_if_fail (string_p != NULL,
  g_strdup ("string location passed as NULL"));

if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS)
  *string_p = value->data[0].v_pointer;
  *string_p = g_strdup (value->data[0].v_pointer);

And an illustrative version of this function for reference-counted types:

GObject **object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer;
g_return_val_if_fail (object_p != NULL,
  g_strdup ("object location passed as NULL"));

if (value->data[0].v_pointer == NULL)
  *object_p = NULL;
else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) // always honour
  *object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer;
  *object_p = g_object_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer);

return NULL;
alias TypeValueLCopyFunc = string delegate

Return Value

NULL on success, otherwise a newly allocated error string on failure