
A #GCClosure is a specialization of #GClosure for C function callbacks.

class CClosure {
GCClosure cInstance;


Static functions

void marshalBOOLEANBOXEDBOXED(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with handlers that take two boxed pointers as arguments and return a boolean. If you have such a signal, you will probably also need to use an accumulator, such as

void marshalBOOLEANFLAGS(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with handlers that take a flags type as an argument and return a boolean. If you have such a signal, you will probably also need to use an accumulator, such as

void marshalGeneric(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnGvalue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A generic marshaller function implemented via libffi.

void marshalSTRINGOBJECTPOINTER(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with handlers that take a #GObject and a pointer and produce a string. It is highly unlikely that your signal handler fits this description.

void marshalVOIDBOOLEAN(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single boolean argument.

void marshalVOIDBOXED(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument which is any boxed pointer type.

void marshalVOIDCHAR(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single character argument.

void marshalVOIDDOUBLE(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with one double-precision floating point argument.

void marshalVOIDENUM(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument with an enumerated type.

void marshalVOIDFLAGS(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument with a flags types.

void marshalVOIDFLOAT(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with one single-precision floating point argument.

void marshalVOIDINT(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single integer argument.

void marshalVOIDLONG(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with with a single long integer argument.

void marshalVOIDOBJECT(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single #GObject argument.

void marshalVOIDPARAM(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument of type #GParamSpec.

void marshalVOIDPOINTER(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single raw pointer argument type.

void marshalVOIDSTRING(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single string argument.

void marshalVOIDUCHAR(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single unsigned character argument.

void marshalVOIDUINT(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with with a single unsigned integer argument.

void marshalVOIDUINTPOINTER(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with an unsigned int and a pointer as arguments.

void marshalVOIDULONG(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single unsigned long integer argument.

void marshalVOIDVARIANT(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single #GVariant argument.

void marshalVOIDVOID(gobject.closure.Closure closure, gobject.value.Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, gobject.value.Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with no arguments.