
Creates a binding between source_property on the source object and target_property on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding. The binding flag gobject.types.BindingFlags.SyncCreate is automatically specified.

This function is the language bindings friendly version of g_binding_group_bind_property_full(), using #GClosures instead of function pointers.

See gobject.object.ObjectG.bindPropertyWithClosures for more information.


sourceProperty string

the property on the source to bind

target gobject.object.ObjectG

the target #GObject

targetProperty string

the property on target to bind

flags gobject.types.BindingFlags

the flags used to create the #GBinding

transformTo gobject.closure.Closure

a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the source object to the target, or null to use the default

transformFrom gobject.closure.Closure

a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the target to the source object, or null to use the default