
Joins the given components together according to flags to create an absolute URI string. path may not be null (though it may be the empty string).

When host is present, path must either be empty or begin with a slash (/) character. When host is not present, path cannot begin with two slash characters (//). See RFC 3986, section 3.

See also glib.uri.Uri.joinWithUser, which allows specifying the components of the ‘userinfo’ separately.

G_URI_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD and G_URI_FLAGS_HAS_AUTH_PARAMS are ignored if set in flags.

class Uri
string scheme
string userinfo
string host
int port
string path
string query = null
string fragment = null


flags glib.types.UriFlags

flags describing how to build the URI string

scheme string

the URI scheme, or null

userinfo string

the userinfo component, or null

host string

the host component, or null

port int

the port, or -1

path string

the path component

query string

the query component, or null

fragment string

the fragment, or null

Return Value

Type: string

an absolute URI string