
A #GStaticMutex works like a #GMutex.

Prior to GLib 2.32, GStaticMutex had the significant advantage that it doesn't need to be created at run-time, but can be defined at compile-time. Since 2.32, #GMutex can be statically allocated as well, and GStaticMutex has been deprecated.

Here is a version of our give_me_next_number() example using a GStaticMutex:

give_me_next_number (void)
  static int current_number = 0;
  int ret_val;
  static GStaticMutex mutex = G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT;

  g_static_mutex_lock (&mutex);
  ret_val = current_number = calc_next_number (current_number);
  g_static_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

  return ret_val;

Sometimes you would like to dynamically create a mutex. If you don't want to require prior calling to glib.thread.Thread.init_, because your code should also be usable in non-threaded programs, you are not able to use glib.mutex.Mutex.new_ and thus #GMutex, as that requires a prior call to glib.thread.Thread.init_. In these cases you can also use a #GStaticMutex. It must be initialized with glib.static_mutex.StaticMutex.init_ before using it and freed with with when not needed anymore to free up any allocated resources.

Even though #GStaticMutex is not opaque, it should only be used with the following functions, as it is defined differently on different platforms.

All of the g_static_mutex_* functions apart from g_static_mutex_get_mutex() can also be used even if glib.thread.Thread.init_ has not yet been called. Then they do nothing, apart from g_static_mutex_trylock() which does nothing but returning true.

All of the g_static_mutex_* functions are actually macros. Apart from taking their addresses, you can however use them as if they were functions.

class StaticMutex {
GStaticMutex cInstance;



glib.mutex.Mutex getMutexImpl()