A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Returns the current line in the input stream (counting from 1). This is the line of the last token parsed via glib.scanner.Scanner.getNextToken.
Returns the current position in the current line (counting from 0). This is the position of the last token parsed via glib.scanner.Scanner.getNextToken.
Gets the current token type. This is simply the token field in the #GScanner structure.
Frees all memory used by the #GScanner.
Returns true if the scanner has reached the end of the file or text buffer.
Parses the next token just like glib.scanner.Scanner.peekNextToken and also removes it from the input stream. The token data is placed in the token, value, line, and position fields of the #GScanner structure.
Prepares to scan a file.
Prepares to scan a text buffer.
Looks up a symbol in the current scope and return its value. If the symbol is not bound in the current scope, null is returned.
Parses the next token, without removing it from the input stream. The token data is placed in the next_token, next_value, next_line, and next_position fields of the #GScanner structure.
Adds a symbol to the given scope.
Calls the given function for each of the symbol/value pairs in the given scope of the #GScanner. The function is passed the symbol and value of each pair, and the given user_data parameter.
Looks up a symbol in a scope and return its value. If the symbol is not bound in the scope, null is returned.
Removes a symbol from a scope.
Sets the current scope.
Rewinds the filedescriptor to the current buffer position and blows the file read ahead buffer. This is useful for third party uses of the scanners filedescriptor, which hooks onto the current scanning position.
Outputs a message through the scanner's msg_handler, resulting from an unexpected token in the input stream. Note that you should not call glib.scanner.Scanner.peekNextToken followed by glib.scanner.Scanner.unexpToken without an intermediate call to glib.scanner.Scanner.getNextToken, as glib.scanner.Scanner.unexpToken evaluates the scanner's current token (not the peeked token) to construct part of the message.
glib.scanner.Scanner provides a general-purpose lexical scanner.
You should set @input_name after creating the scanner, since it is used by the default message handler when displaying warnings and errors. If you are scanning a file, the filename would be a good choice.
The @user_data and @max_parse_errors fields are not used. If you need to associate extra data with the scanner you can place them here.
If you want to use your own message handler you can set the @msg_handler field. The type of the message handler function is declared by #GScannerMsgFunc.