Scans for a match in string for the pattern in regex.
The match_options are combined with the match options specified
when the regex structure was created, letting you have more
flexibility in reusing #GRegex structures.
Unless G_REGEX_RAW is specified in the options, string must be valid UTF-8.
A #GMatchInfo structure, used to get information on the match,
is stored in match_info if not null. Note that if match_info
is not null then it is created even if the function returns false,
i.e. you must free it regardless if regular expression actually matched.
string is not copied and is used in #GMatchInfo internally. If
you use any #GMatchInfo method (except after
freeing or modifying string then the behaviour is undefined.
Scans for a match in string for the pattern in regex. The match_options are combined with the match options specified when the regex structure was created, letting you have more flexibility in reusing #GRegex structures.
Unless G_REGEX_RAW is specified in the options, string must be valid UTF-8.
A #GMatchInfo structure, used to get information on the match, is stored in match_info if not null. Note that if match_info is not null then it is created even if the function returns false, i.e. you must free it regardless if regular expression actually matched.
To retrieve all the non-overlapping matches of the pattern in string you can use
string is not copied and is used in #GMatchInfo internally. If you use any #GMatchInfo method (except after freeing or modifying string then the behaviour is undefined.