Sets the function which is used to translate the contexts user-visible strings, for --help output. If func is null, strings are not translated.
Note that option groups have their own translation functions, this function only affects the parameter_string (see glib.option_context.OptionContext.new_), the summary (see glib.option_context.OptionContext.setSummary) and the description (see glib.option_context.OptionContext.setDescription).
If you are using gettext(), you only need to set the translation domain, see glib.option_context.OptionContext.setTranslationDomain.
the #GTranslateFunc, or null
Sets the function which is used to translate the contexts user-visible strings, for --help output. If func is null, strings are not translated.
Note that option groups have their own translation functions, this function only affects the parameter_string (see glib.option_context.OptionContext.new_), the summary (see glib.option_context.OptionContext.setSummary) and the description (see glib.option_context.OptionContext.setDescription).
If you are using gettext(), you only need to set the translation domain, see glib.option_context.OptionContext.setTranslationDomain.