
A #GOnce struct controls a one-time initialization function. Any one-time initialization function must have its own unique #GOnce struct.


Static functions

bool initEnter(void* location)

Function to be called when starting a critical initialization section. The argument location must point to a static 0-initialized variable that will be set to a value other than 0 at the end of the initialization section. In combination with glib.once.Once.initLeave and the unique address value_location, it can be ensured that an initialization section will be executed only once during a program's life time, and that concurrent threads are blocked until initialization completed. To be used in constructs like this:

bool initEnterImpl(size_t location)
bool initEnterPointer(void* location)

This functions behaves in the same way as glib.once.Once.initEnter, but can can be used to initialize pointers (or #guintptr) instead of #gsize.

void initLeave(void* location, size_t result)

Counterpart to glib.once.Once.initEnter. Expects a location of a static 0-initialized initialization variable, and an initialization value other than 0. Sets the variable to the initialization value, and releases concurrent threads blocking in glib.once.Once.initEnter on this initialization variable.

void initLeavePointer(void* location, void* result)

Counterpart to glib.once.Once.initEnterPointer. Expects a location of a static NULL-initialized initialization variable, and an initialization value other than NULL. Sets the variable to the initialization value, and releases concurrent threads blocking in glib.once.Once.initEnterPointer on this initialization variable.