Compares the ids of two #GHook elements, returning a negative value if the second id is greater than the first.
Destroys a #GHook, given its ID.
Removes one #GHook from a #GHookList, marking it inactive and calling glib.hook.Hook.unref on it.
Calls the #GHookList finalize_hook function if it exists, and frees the memory allocated for the #GHook.
Inserts a #GHook into a #GHookList, before a given #GHook.
Inserts a #GHook into a #GHookList, sorted by the given function.
Prepends a #GHook on the start of a #GHookList.
Decrements the reference count of a #GHook. If the reference count falls to 0, the #GHook is removed from the #GHookList and is called to free it.
The #GHook struct represents a single hook function in a #GHookList.