
Proxy object for Gio.Volume interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding

class VolumeIfaceProxy : IfaceProxy , Volume {}

Mixed In Members

From mixin VolumeT!()

bool canEject()

Checks if a volume can be ejected.

bool canMount()

Checks if a volume can be mounted.

void eject(gio.types.MountUnmountFlags flags, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Ejects a volume. This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling gio.volume.Volume.ejectFinish with the volume and #GAsyncResult returned in the callback.

bool ejectFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Finishes ejecting a volume. If any errors occurred during the operation, error will be set to contain the errors and false will be returned.

void ejectWithOperation(gio.types.MountUnmountFlags flags, gio.mount_operation.MountOperation mountOperation, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Ejects a volume. This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling gio.volume.Volume.ejectWithOperationFinish with the volume and #GAsyncResult data returned in the callback.

bool ejectWithOperationFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Finishes ejecting a volume. If any errors occurred during the operation, error will be set to contain the errors and false will be returned.

string[] enumerateIdentifiers()

Gets the kinds of identifiers that volume has. Use gio.volume.Volume.getIdentifier to obtain the identifiers themselves.

gio.file.File getActivationRoot()

Gets the activation root for a #GVolume if it is known ahead of mount time. Returns null otherwise. If not null and if volume is mounted, then the result of gio.mount.Mount.getRoot on the #GMount object obtained from gio.volume.Volume.getMount will always either be equal or a prefix of what this function returns. In other words, in code

gio.drive.Drive getDrive()

Gets the drive for the volume.

gio.icon.Icon getIcon()

Gets the icon for volume.

string getIdentifier(string kind)

Gets the identifier of the given kind for volume. See the introduction for more information about volume identifiers.

gio.mount.Mount getMount()

Gets the mount for the volume.

string getName()

Gets the name of volume.

string getSortKey()

Gets the sort key for volume, if any.

gio.icon.Icon getSymbolicIcon()

Gets the symbolic icon for volume.

string getUuid()

Gets the UUID for the volume. The reference is typically based on the file system UUID for the volume in question and should be considered an opaque string. Returns null if there is no UUID available.

void mount(gio.types.MountMountFlags flags, gio.mount_operation.MountOperation mountOperation, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Mounts a volume. This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling gio.volume.Volume.mountFinish with the volume and #GAsyncResult returned in the callback.

bool mountFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Finishes mounting a volume. If any errors occurred during the operation, error will be set to contain the errors and false will be returned.

bool shouldAutomount()

Returns whether the volume should be automatically mounted.

ulong connectChanged(T callback, Flag!"After" after)

Connect to Changed signal.

ulong connectRemoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)

Connect to Removed signal.

Inherited Members

From Volume

bool canEject()

Checks if a volume can be ejected.

bool canMount()

Checks if a volume can be mounted.

void eject(gio.types.MountUnmountFlags flags, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Ejects a volume. This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling gio.volume.Volume.ejectFinish with the volume and #GAsyncResult returned in the callback.

bool ejectFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Finishes ejecting a volume. If any errors occurred during the operation, error will be set to contain the errors and false will be returned.

void ejectWithOperation(gio.types.MountUnmountFlags flags, gio.mount_operation.MountOperation mountOperation, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Ejects a volume. This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling gio.volume.Volume.ejectWithOperationFinish with the volume and #GAsyncResult data returned in the callback.

bool ejectWithOperationFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Finishes ejecting a volume. If any errors occurred during the operation, error will be set to contain the errors and false will be returned.

string[] enumerateIdentifiers()

Gets the kinds of identifiers that volume has. Use gio.volume.Volume.getIdentifier to obtain the identifiers themselves.

gio.file.File getActivationRoot()

Gets the activation root for a #GVolume if it is known ahead of mount time. Returns null otherwise. If not null and if volume is mounted, then the result of gio.mount.Mount.getRoot on the #GMount object obtained from gio.volume.Volume.getMount will always either be equal or a prefix of what this function returns. In other words, in code

gio.drive.Drive getDrive()

Gets the drive for the volume.

gio.icon.Icon getIcon()

Gets the icon for volume.

string getIdentifier(string kind)

Gets the identifier of the given kind for volume. See the introduction for more information about volume identifiers.

gio.mount.Mount getMount()

Gets the mount for the volume.

string getName()

Gets the name of volume.

string getSortKey()

Gets the sort key for volume, if any.

gio.icon.Icon getSymbolicIcon()

Gets the symbolic icon for volume.

string getUuid()

Gets the UUID for the volume. The reference is typically based on the file system UUID for the volume in question and should be considered an opaque string. Returns null if there is no UUID available.

void mount(gio.types.MountMountFlags flags, gio.mount_operation.MountOperation mountOperation, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Mounts a volume. This is an asynchronous operation, and is finished by calling gio.volume.Volume.mountFinish with the volume and #GAsyncResult returned in the callback.

bool mountFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Finishes mounting a volume. If any errors occurred during the operation, error will be set to contain the errors and false will be returned.

bool shouldAutomount()

Returns whether the volume should be automatically mounted.

ulong connectChanged(T callback, Flag!"After" after)

Connect to Changed signal.

ulong connectRemoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)

Connect to Removed signal.