Creates a new #GUnixSocketAddress for path.
Gets address's type.
Tests if address is abstract.
Gets address's path, or for abstract sockets the "name".
Gets the length of address's path.
Checks if abstract UNIX domain socket names are supported.
Creates a new gio.types.UnixSocketAddressType.AbstractPadded #GUnixSocketAddress for path.
Creates a new #GUnixSocketAddress of type type with name path.
Creates a #GSocketAddress subclass corresponding to the native struct sockaddr native.
Gets the socket family type of address.
Gets the size of address's native struct sockaddr. You can use this to allocate memory to pass to gio.socket_address.SocketAddress.toNative.
Converts a #GSocketAddress to a native struct sockaddr, which can be passed to low-level functions like connect() or bind().
Support for UNIX-domain (also known as local) sockets, corresponding to struct sockaddr_un.
UNIX domain sockets are generally visible in the filesystem. However, some systems support abstract socket names which are not visible in the filesystem and not affected by the filesystem permissions, visibility, etc. Currently this is only supported under Linux. If you attempt to use abstract sockets on other systems, function calls may return gio.types.IOErrorEnum.NotSupported errors. You can use gio.unix_socket_address.UnixSocketAddress.abstractNamesSupported to see if abstract names are supported.
Since GLib 2.72, gio.unix_socket_address.UnixSocketAddress is available on all platforms. It requires underlying system support (such as Windows 10 with AF_UNIX) at run time.
Before GLib 2.72, <gio/gunixsocketaddress.h> belonged to the UNIX-specific GIO interfaces, thus you had to use the gio-unix-2.0.pc pkg-config file when using it. This is no longer necessary since GLib 2.72.