
Attempts to create a TCP connection to a service.

This call looks up the SRV record for service at domain for the "tcp" protocol. It then attempts to connect, in turn, to each of the hosts providing the service until either a connection succeeds or there are no hosts remaining.

Upon a successful connection, a new #GSocketConnection is constructed and returned. The caller owns this new object and must drop their reference to it when finished with it.

In the event of any failure (DNS error, service not found, no hosts connectable) null is returned and error (if non-null) is set accordingly.

class SocketClient


domain string

a domain name

service string

the name of the service to connect to

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

a #GCancellable, or null

Return Value

Type: gio.socket_connection.SocketConnection

a #GSocketConnection if successful, or null on error