Retrieves the next #GSocketAddress from enumerator. Note that this may block for some amount of time. (Eg, a #GNetworkAddress may need to do a DNS lookup before it can return an address.) Use gio.socket_address_enumerator.SocketAddressEnumerator.nextAsync if you need to avoid blocking.

If enumerator is expected to yield addresses, but for some reason is unable to (eg, because of a DNS error), then the first call to will return an appropriate error in *error. However, if the first call to succeeds, then any further internal errors (other than cancellable being triggered) will be ignored.


cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

optional #GCancellable object, null to ignore.

Return Value

Type: gio.socket_address.SocketAddress

a #GSocketAddress (owned by the caller), or null on error (in which case *error will be set) or if there are no more addresses.