Sets the length of the stream to offset. If the stream was previously
larger than offset, the extra data is discarded. If the stream was
previously shorter than offset, it is extended with NUL ('\0') bytes.
If cancellable is not null, then the operation can be cancelled by
triggering the cancellable object from another thread. If the operation
was cancelled, the error gio.types.IOErrorEnum.Cancelled will be returned. If an
operation was partially finished when the operation was cancelled the
partial result will be returned, without an error.
Sets the length of the stream to offset. If the stream was previously larger than offset, the extra data is discarded. If the stream was previously shorter than offset, it is extended with NUL ('\0') bytes.
If cancellable is not null, then the operation can be cancelled by triggering the cancellable object from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error gio.types.IOErrorEnum.Cancelled will be returned. If an operation was partially finished when the operation was cancelled the partial result will be returned, without an error.