
Synchronously performs a DNS record lookup for the given rrname and returns a list of records as #GVariant tuples. See #GResolverRecordType for information on what the records contain for each record_type.

If the DNS resolution fails, error (if non-null) will be set to a value from #GResolverError and null will be returned.

If cancellable is non-null, it can be used to cancel the operation, in which case error (if non-null) will be set to gio.types.IOErrorEnum.Cancelled.


rrname string

the DNS name to look up the record for

recordType gio.types.ResolverRecordType

the type of DNS record to look up

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

a #GCancellable, or null

Return Value

Type: glib.variant.VariantG[]

a non-empty #GList of #GVariant, or null on error. You must free each of the records and the list when you are done with it. (You can use glib.list.List.freeFull with glib.variant.VariantG.unref to do this.)