- adoptOrphanMount
gio.volume.Volume adoptOrphanMount(gio.mount.Mount mount)
This function should be called by any #GVolumeMonitor
implementation when a new #GMount object is created that is not
associated with a #GVolume object. It must be called just before
emitting the mount_added signal.
- get
gio.volume_monitor.VolumeMonitor get()
Gets the volume monitor used by gio.
- getConnectedDrives
gio.drive.Drive[] getConnectedDrives()
Gets a list of drives connected to the system.
- getMountForUuid
gio.mount.Mount getMountForUuid(string uuid)
- getMounts
gio.mount.Mount[] getMounts()
Gets a list of the mounts on the system.
- getVolumeForUuid
gio.volume.Volume getVolumeForUuid(string uuid)
- getVolumes
gio.volume.Volume[] getVolumes()
Gets a list of the volumes on the system.
- connectDriveChanged
ulong connectDriveChanged(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to DriveChanged signal.
- connectDriveConnected
ulong connectDriveConnected(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to DriveConnected signal.
- connectDriveDisconnected
ulong connectDriveDisconnected(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to DriveDisconnected signal.
- connectDriveEjectButton
ulong connectDriveEjectButton(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to DriveEjectButton signal.
- connectDriveStopButton
ulong connectDriveStopButton(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to DriveStopButton signal.
- connectMountAdded
ulong connectMountAdded(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to MountAdded signal.
- connectMountChanged
ulong connectMountChanged(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to MountChanged signal.
- connectMountPreUnmount
ulong connectMountPreUnmount(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to MountPreUnmount signal.
- connectMountRemoved
ulong connectMountRemoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to MountRemoved signal.
- connectVolumeAdded
ulong connectVolumeAdded(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to VolumeAdded signal.
- connectVolumeChanged
ulong connectVolumeChanged(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to VolumeChanged signal.
- connectVolumeRemoved
ulong connectVolumeRemoved(T callback, Flag!"After" after)
Connect to VolumeRemoved signal.