
Proxy object for Gio.LoadableIcon interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding

class LoadableIconIfaceProxy : IfaceProxy , LoadableIcon {}

Mixed In Members

From mixin LoadableIconT!()

gio.input_stream.InputStream load(int size, string type, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Loads a loadable icon. For the asynchronous version of this function, see gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.loadAsync.

void loadAsync(int size, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Loads an icon asynchronously. To finish this function, see gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.loadFinish. For the synchronous, blocking version of this function, see gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.load.

gio.input_stream.InputStream loadFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult res, string type)

Finishes an asynchronous icon load started in gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.loadAsync.

Inherited Members

From LoadableIcon

gio.input_stream.InputStream load(int size, string type, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Loads a loadable icon. For the asynchronous version of this function, see gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.loadAsync.

void loadAsync(int size, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Loads an icon asynchronously. To finish this function, see gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.loadFinish. For the synchronous, blocking version of this function, see gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.load.

gio.input_stream.InputStream loadFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult res, string type)

Finishes an asynchronous icon load started in gio.loadable_icon.LoadableIcon.loadAsync.