
Proxy object for Gio.DatagramBased interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding

class DatagramBasedIfaceProxy : IfaceProxy , DatagramBased {}

Mixed In Members

From mixin DatagramBasedT!()

glib.types.IOCondition conditionCheck(glib.types.IOCondition condition)

Checks on the readiness of datagram_based to perform operations. The operations specified in condition are checked for and masked against the currently-satisfied conditions on datagram_based. The result is returned.

bool conditionWait(glib.types.IOCondition condition, long timeout, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Waits for up to timeout microseconds for condition to become true on datagram_based. If the condition is met, true is returned.

glib.source.Source createSource(glib.types.IOCondition condition, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Creates a #GSource that can be attached to a #GMainContext to monitor for the availability of the specified condition on the #GDatagramBased. The #GSource keeps a reference to the datagram_based.

Inherited Members

From DatagramBased

glib.types.IOCondition conditionCheck(glib.types.IOCondition condition)

Checks on the readiness of datagram_based to perform operations. The operations specified in condition are checked for and masked against the currently-satisfied conditions on datagram_based. The result is returned.

bool conditionWait(glib.types.IOCondition condition, long timeout, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Waits for up to timeout microseconds for condition to become true on datagram_based. If the condition is met, true is returned.

glib.source.Source createSource(glib.types.IOCondition condition, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Creates a #GSource that can be attached to a #GMainContext to monitor for the availability of the specified condition on the #GDatagramBased. The #GSource keeps a reference to the datagram_based.